Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Message to Our British Friends

Please! Don't listen to Obama. I am having the temerity here to speak for all the Americans that I know: We Love Britain! Don't listen to Obama! In three years he'll be a faint memory, a bad one, but faint.

I'd venture to say that Americans in general like British in general more than they like the US president, the US congress, the US bureaucracy, or much else of the US governmental situation.

Don't listen to our media! They are liars, pure and simple. They hate everybody, at least everybody who is not them.

Americans understand that the Gulf of Mexico situation is difficult, that it is a technical problem, that BP really wants to fix it and is trying feverishly to do so.

Culpability is not an issue here, at least not yet. Don't listen to our idiot congress people. Hopefully they'll be gone in a few years, too. When and if the time comes, culpability should be determined rationally, not politically.

I would love to go to Britain and spread the word that Americans are not Obama (Obama might not even be an American), and that we, in general, deplore Obama's rhetoric and his cowardly, pusillanimous attacks on BP. BP is in the limelight and will do what's right: we believe this at this point, and regardless of what caused this, BP will very likely stand up to its obligations. Americans know this.

Don't listen to Obama! Please!

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