Thursday, October 21, 2010

Quote of the Day 10.21.10

"Why should a bunch of atoms have thinking ability? Why should I, even as I write now, be able to reflect on what I am doing and why should you, even as you read now, be able to ponder my points, agreeing or disagreeing, with pleasure or pain, deciding to refute me or deciding that I am just not worth the effort? No one, certainly not the Darwinian as such, seems to have any answer to this... The point is that there is no scientific answer."

- Michael Ruse via Mariano Apologeticus

"Darwin wrote, “With me the horrid doubt always arises whether the convictions of man’s mind, which has been developed from the mind of lower animals, are of any value at all or trustworthy."

- Charles Darwin, “life and Letters of Charles Darwin”, 1898; Francis Darwin ed.; From Nancy Pearcy, “Total Truth”, pg 243.


JazzyJ said...

I've often wondered if other animals, such as cats or dogs for example, question their own existence.

I've even wondered if there's even been a case of an animal intentionally committing suicide.

Stan said...

Doubtful on both of those - although I do know of animals that have become depressed and have gone insane.