Friday, May 20, 2011


The subject of Atheist Humanism is discussed in a fair amount of detail in the following books:

Vision of the Annointed: Self Congratulation as Social Policy; Thomas Sowell.

The Quest for Cosmic Justice; Thomas Sowell.

Intellectuals and society; Thomas Sowell.

The Liberal Mind; Lyle H. Rossiter Jr.

There is little question that Humanists are convinced of their higher intelligence and morality than the rest of the planet. Given this, why would they not feel empowered to change the rest of the planet to their higher plane? And given that plus their apparent gullibilty, why would they not align with terrorist-revolutionaries, a la Lenin and now Obama with respect to the hated Israel?

For those reasons, I will fight it to the end.


Martin said...

I hope you read The Last Superstition soon. I want to hear your take on it.

Stan said...

It's on my books-to-read table. I'll move it to my books-to-read chair table.