Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I Will Be Offline For A Day Or Two...

I will be on the road. If I come across a computer, I'll be back on, but only briefly, so I can't answer long, protracted comments. But keep your thoughts coming, because... I will be back.

UPDATE: I postponed departure for a day due to freezing drizzle and snow (unforecasted for our area). Maybe you noticed that I was still here?


Debunkey Monkey said...

Have fun on the road! Hopefully, this will give you some time to relax. :)

zilch said...

I'll second your sentiments here, Dybukky, but if you check out this thread, you'll see that Stan is no more able to stay away than I am. In any case, Stan, have fun and take care.

cheers from chilly Vienna, zilch

Stan said...

Thanks guys.
Zilch, glad to see you are still here, I was afraid that I had run you off.

zilch said...

Hey, Stan, I'm still hoping to get you over to the dark side, so that we can discuss logic while roasting marshmallows over the hellfires.