Friday, March 9, 2012

Abortion: Who decides Who Dies and Why

[Author's note: this is a conversation grown too large for the comment box, and about a topic serious enough to warrant a new post: Abortion, and who decides who dies and why].

Anonymous says,
"'And regarding the Atheist Faith, you are ignoring the challenge for you to provide evidence supporting your own faith'

No more than you ignore the challenge to prove that every imaginary being isn't real. Frankly it is incredibly demented to proclaim the existence of something and then say that if you can't prove it is not so, you lose the argument.”

False. The challenge is for you to prove your claim. Atheism claims (a) to be evidence based, (b) logic based, and (c) that there is no deity. Yet under claims (a) and (b), Atheists cannot know claim (c). This Atheist claim therefore is irrational. No amount of Guilt by Association diversion can relieve you of the fact that Atheism cannot prove its claims and is therefore irrational. No amount of Tu Quoque will relieve you of Atheism's irrationality either. The Atheist claim is purely ideological, and being without substantiating evidence, is blind faith: religion, the worst kind: irrational.

I need to remind you that we are talking about Atheism here. The subject is the rationality, logic, and evidence (all of which are Atheist claims) which Atheists are able to produce to support the claim that there is no deity. You want to throw in all other beliefs as a Tu Quoque attempt to condemn by the Fallacy of Guilt by Association. But if Atheism is rational, logical and evidence based, then it must work within its own constraints. Because Atheism cannot do that, it is irrational, illogical, and totally without evidence for support of its claims. That has no other dependencies on fallacious argumentation. This observation is direct and devastating, because Atheists cannot provide a direct answer in the form of evidence or logic; they must contrive ways around it or deny the application of the argument to themselves in a particularly weak Special Pleading.

” It's not-material therefore it doesn't exist. If it did exist, you would present material demonstrating such. It would be a obvious. But no, you have to hide behind weasel words like "provide material evidence for the immaterial". Excuse my language, but what bullshit. What a cowardly argument. At least say it is a matter of faith. At least reference a personal experience. At least say something respectable even if it is indefensible instead of something cowardly AND indefensible.”

By which we can presume that you are unable to provide any evidence for your argument that there is no deity, so you attack the counter-argument itself, rather than provide the evidence which Atheism and Philosophical Materialism claim and promise. It should be clear that a deity, say that of the bible, is not material. So where is your evidence that such a non-material deity does not exist, non-materially? No evidence, then you have no argument other than persistent belligerence.

The Theist claim is specifically for a probable non-material existence. The Atheist claim is specifically that there is no such non-material existence. So back up your position, using the vaunted tools of Atheism: logic and empirical, experimental knowledge. You have taken an unyielding position, yet you cannot support it so you are reduced to denigrations. Denigration is the default position for Atheism, because there is no logic nor empirical possibility for defending their irrational belief.

But logically your statement fails right out of the chute. You make the unsubstantiable inference that existence is totally material, therefore existence is totally material, an obvious circularity, which fails logic first, and empirical substantiation second. It is this type of reasoning which places Atheism into the irrational category, and does so using the exact tools which Atheists claim but cannot use: logic and empirical validation.”

“I believe in evidence. I believe in the natural world. I believe in people. I believe in a LOT of things. The only "claim" atheism makes is that theism is on the same level of every other "immaterial" claim and thus almost certainly false. There is an entire material universe and in all that we have found, gods have been absent.”

The claim you make is Philosophical Materialism, not Atheism, because it deals with the material/non-material issue. Philosophical Materialism suffers from the same irrationality, because it makes claims for its fundamental principles which it cannot support with either logic or empirical validation. It cannot prove its fundamental claim that there is only material existence and no other existence. Even in Physics, String Theory is at odds with this claim. It is not a scientific claim, nor is it rational: it is purely ideological, a wish.

Both Atheism and Philosophical Materialism are purely ideological with no hope of support for their claims. They project truth claims which have no truth value, logically, and have no hope of empirical support. By claiming to have found no [non-material deity] in the [material universe], you make the standard Category Error: searching material space for a non-material entity. One cannot find green marbles by searching a bowl containing only red marbles. It is also the standard Inductive Fallacy: what I have not seen cannot exist.

” Actually, that's where the conversation started, to provide a connection between the religion and abortion. I provided statistics and bible verses condoning the murder of children. It is you who is constantly throwing up red herrings. Like prove something doesn't exist. Ya okay wise guy.

Your Bible verses were false; your statistics do not show causation.

OK, so go ahead and show that religion causes abortion, rather than that abortion corrupts Christians.

And again, look up red herrings.

"I am arguing for personal responsibility in sexual activity."

Yeah, who isn't? Education, a social safety net are the best means imo. Not outlawing abortion which can be demonstrated to have only negative consequences.”

Only negative consequences? For whom? Certainly not for the humans being killed in mass production. Again, you have no empathy for at least 50 million humans, as is demonstrable by your positions taken. And the only reference to sexual responsibility you’ve made is in response to mine, and your response is of questionable sincerity.

” There are religious arguments against all contraceptives. What's the result? More abortion. More disease. Or maybe you are okay with condoms and reject the verse:

" it is better to spill your seed in the belly of a whore than spill it on the ground."

This is indicative of your ignorance of the Bible, and your willingness to apply any sort of false, sleazy accusation against it. There is no such verse in the Bible, or you would have referenced it. There is no reference in the Comprehensive Concordance, which logs every word and its usage in the Bible. Your claim is false, and you made no attempt to verify it before you made it. It is basically slander. Like it or not that is both intellectual malfeasance and an indication of your particular brand of morality. Injecting false claims in an argument in the hopes that no one will look them up will not work for you here.

Next, kindly prove your assertion that religious arguments (only Catholic as far as I know) produce directly more abortion and more disease, and that they are not false applications of statistics or epiphenomena. I strongly suspect that you are making another charge which you cannot substantiate with actual empirical proof, rather you wish it to be true in order to bolster your argument for sustained massacre of guiltless humans.

” How about this. Let's say abortion is illegal. What punishment should you deliver to a women (and the doctor I suppose) who then receives/performs an abortion? Stoned to death perhaps? I dunno, why don't you flip through your book of absolute morality and let me know.”

Well, premeditated murder seems to apply, unless the fetus is denied human status. Civil and criminal codes already exist for things like that. What has changed is that the status has been denied to certain classes of humans, based on tortured logic such as yours: you, yourself, can determine whether or not certain classes of humans are to get the same protection under law that you have. And you have decided that those certain classes of humans are lesser than you, based on your personal valuation criteria, and therefore they do not rate the same protection which you get. You have assumed the personal moral authority to pronounce death for an entire class of humans. That’s why you are dangerous.

” "Only the death sentence for the new human produced by the rape. "

Yes. At a couple weeks development (a reasonable time after a rape to identify a pregnancy) the potential human has no nervous system and cannot feel any pain (this doesn't start until week 9). It has no memories and cannot feel loss. The suffering incurred by the potential human is non-existent. The majority of all abortions occur before week 9. Ones that occur in the later trimesters are frequently because the fetus would self-terminate or result in an nonviable birth anyways.”

And there it is, the Atheist Moral Encyclical on Human Termination; Death Sentence Rules. There is little more to say, except that you forgot the “valuation of resource balance” theory. Under that theory, killing anyone not productive is acceptable.

I suspect that it would not be hard to place a defensive moral value on protecting oneself from Atheist determinations of death sentences for other categories, in fact it might wind up being necessary: i.e. a moral bounty on Atheists who wish to kill others. Moral of course. There is no moral difference between that personal valuation of the value (self preservation, or class preservation) or lack of value of other individuals: only opinions. Your opinion kills outright; the reactive opinion would kill in defense against Atheist valuation opinions. Would it not be possible to declare that a person who works from a moral void and fills that moral void with his own "wisdom" has no value himself? It’s the same rationale, only not in your favor this time.

And why should you be favored over any other category, from anyone else’s viewpoint? Well, you have no case, except for your own personal opinions concerning what gives value to a human. So it boils down to who has the most power to enforce their values on the other categories: Nietzsche, of course, was right, the only truly honest Atheist.

What is the value of a single Kulak? None; Atheists killed them all. Why? Atheists had the power. Kulaks were in the wrong category.

” Even in such a case, I would be personally torn. However what I am certain about is that it is wrong to say to the women that it is illegal for you to terminate.”

Certainly under the Atheist propensity for placing judgments of immorality on those who would save the fetus, but in favor of saying to the woman: "kill it if you wish", you would choose “kill it if you wish”. And since when is 9 months a “life time”? Or perhaps it might save the woman/girl suffering if she were killed, too? Why is that not an option? Why is killing the fetus the only option? You choose favored classes to salve and unfavored classes to savage as if you were the supreme decider.

” And seriously. How can you in one line say you argue for personal sexual responsibility, and then in the next saying that the victim of a rape should bear the life long consequences of an undesired child? What if the victim is 14 and the rapist is her father? What then. Where does your sense of (apparently) absolute morality draw that line? Look it up in the bible and get back to me, okay?”

The subject, again, is whether you have the moral authority to decide who dies and who does not. I do not claim that authority. You have no problem making that claim of authority, which you think is justified by tear-jerking claims. Under your valuation, the teenage girl is given enough of your priority that it is acceptable for her to murder the other human, who is given no priority. By your standards, it is also possible to decide to give less priority to the girl and to kill her to save her the pain. Not everybody likes the same classes of humans, so there could be negotiations regarding which class lives and which class is to be killed. Whatever your morality is, under the aegis of Atheism, the fact is that your intention, which is that of deciding life or death of other humans based on your personal moral inclinations, makes you dangerous.

And again, what of the rapist? You slid past that one: should he be killed too? Or is he more protected than the other human?

In terms of pain and suffering, should all sufferers be killed? If not, why not? In terms of valuation of a developing human’s ability to feel pain or acknowledge existence, killing you in your sleep would fill that requirement, as would killing all drug overdosers, etc. You cannot stop this once you start it, because now it is just a matter of degree and opinion, no longer being a moral issue in your mind. Again, categories are negotiable, especially relativist categories.

Back to a 14 y.o. girl. The trade-off is emotional pain vs. death according to you. You intend to assuage the victim’s pain by killing an innocent party. Can you be sure that the killing will release the emotional pain, or will it breed the guilt of causing a death on top of having been raped? According to the feminists on The View, such a procedure could be seen as a second rape, this one with a purposeful fatality of another human. Can you adjudge this emotional damage not to be the case in the long term mental health of the girl? You cannot be omniscient enough to prejudge the outcome. You cannot support your statement.

Your arguments of acceptable conditions under which to kill another human demonstrate the relativism of your personal morality. If it is OK to kill some innocent human under conditions (1) through (149), then those conditions are relativist and subject to negotiation and change. And you, of course, would be the one to do it. Not only the conditions, but the categories are also negotiable. You seriously think you are not dangerous? Well, only to others.

So why should anyone trust you, or any Atheist? Give us a reason which places you solidly in an unchanging category of trustworthiness. Base it solely on Atheism. Hint: don’t bother claiming empathy. Empathy carries no material weight. You have empathy only for certain categories of humans. Why should I not expect to wind up on your next list? You certainly devalue me enough for me to expect such an eventuality. Categorical empathy is just classism, and classism presages class wars. The relativist class to which you seem to belong is morally and rationally unarmed.


avaul (NZ) said...

Can you please look up the words classism and class war in the encyclopedia before you continue to use them. Thanks.

Stan said...

Actually, no. I think if you object to the usage here, then you should provide the corrective you wish implemented. Then we can discuss it.

Stan said...

It just occurred to me that some might think that the terms "class" and "class warfare" are wholly owned by Marxism and economic class theory.

But the class wars in which we have been engaged for the past 40 years are totally different (except for one thing, which I'll point to in a minute). Today's classes are Progressive/Socialist vs. others. The PS class wants to re-engineer mankind and all of its social institutions including the family and sexual habits. The class of "others" wants to be left alone.

The common element in Marxism and Progressive/Socialism is the self-annointed elite who attaches himself to the PS class. While some of these elites are from religions, such eliteness is sought by those who choose Atheism as a differentiator and a means of auto-determination, especially in the moral sense.

This self-derived morality allows the elite complete control (in his mind, any way) of "correctness" and paths to an acceptable human destiny. When they gather influence they can and do place their valuations on classes of humans, such as the Emmanuel's have done for ObamaCare. Only certain classes are favored; the others are denied equal status with those in the favored classes.

Classism has many facets, not just the Marxist definitions. Where elitism exists, classism also exists: elites vs. commoners.

Classification is a common procedure from mathematics to science to logical induction to commerce of all types, not to mention tax codes. Classism gives a favored status to one class at the expense of other classes. Racism is a form of classism.

If you object to this terminology, then make your case.

Pseudonymity said...

I don't think it is worth continuing a dialogue with you. You stack straw man arguments atop each other with no regard for your own hypocritical double standards.

The prime examples have been

1) Equating a moral opinion with a claim of absolute moral authority. And then dismissing the opinion because you reject the (unclaimed) moral authority. Also, failing to substantiate your own morally superior source.

2) Equating the rejection of theistic claims with the claim of knowledge that no deity exists.

3) You hinge your rebuttals on a supposed misinterpretation of biblical readings while ignoring the undeniable rational links between Christianity and child murder. I'll just reiterate the biblical flood, the murder of Egyptian first born sons and add Abraham's willingness to murder his son and Jephthah's sacrifice of his daughter. The are amble examples of biblical allowances for the murder of children. Again, just scratching the surface.

4) Demanding material evidence of the immaterial. Claim that the immaterial exists and is worthy of worship and somehow resembles the God of the Bible, yet it is the atheists responsibility to prove the non-existence of a being beyond falsification. I shouldn't have to articulate how and why this position is so moronic.

re: " it is better to spill your seed in the belly of a whore than spill it on the ground."

I was asking your opinion on condoms and your response is to rant about there being no such verse in the bible. Just answer the question.

"Next, kindly prove your assertion that religious arguments (only Catholic as far as I know) produce directly more abortion and more disease,"

Abstinence only education is specifically religiously motivated. Abstinence only education produces ignorance. Ignorance spreads disease and pregnancy. Pregnancy oft results in abortion. Do your own research and learn something. A simple google search results many scholarly articles.

"Well, premeditated murder seems to apply"

So, depending on the state, you believe a woman obtaining an abortion should serve 25+ years or be executed? My guess of stoning her to death isn't so far off hm?

"Under that theory, killing anyone not productive is acceptable. "

Well isn't that just the gold standard for a straw man argument right there. But that's just the beginning. The next several paragraphs are pure straw man fantasy not worth addressing.

"You intend to assuage the victim’s pain by killing an innocent party."

You are completely absent empathy. It's not about assuaging past pain but about preventing future pain. No one is forcing this option either. It is the woman's choice.

" And since when is 9 months a “life time”?

Perhaps this entire conversation can be condensed by this one statement.

You think the pregnancy a simple matter of 9 months discomfort while I see it as a the beginning of a life long obligation to be a parent. You continually bring up this 50 000 000 dead number, yet with this statement it is obvious you've given no consideration as to what will happen to those babies post-natal.

Never mind the unconscionable burden on the individual families. Had these babies been born, that is another infant for every 6 Americans. You going to adopt all those babies?

"So why should anyone trust you, or any Atheist? Give us a reason which places you solidly in an unchanging category of trustworthiness. "

Because I value evidence and reason over the fairy tales and false promises of the religious.

"You certainly devalue me enough for me to expect such an eventuality."

You're delusional AND paranoid. To be clear, you have no reason to fear any sort of violence from myself. If you position as the trembling potential victim is not an act, seek help.

++SloMo++ said...

"It just occurred to me that some might think that the terms "class" and "class warfare" are wholly owned by Marxism and economic class theory.
" ...
"Classification is a common procedure from mathematics..."
"If you object to this terminology, then make your case."

Looks to me like your "class warfare" usage requires conflation of the word "class" via "classification".

++SloMo++ said...

"Because I value evidence and reason over the fairy tales and false promises of the religious."

"But you can't prove God doesn't exist!" Checkmate!

Stan said...

SloMo said,
"Looks to me like your "class warfare" usage requires conflation of the word "class" via "classification".

I'm not sure I understand your use of the word, conflation, but if you mean that class warfare refers to one specific classification at war with another, then yes.

I see that I am getting into trouble here because all war is between some sort of classification issue, and that being the case, the term "class" no longer differentiates and is meaningless.

Still, the classification of humans by many methods occurs, and some of those classifications lead to "superior" and "inferior" implications, which leads to conflict between the classes.

I think I'll stick with the term because it is useful to denote that the conflict is classification based, hence class warfare.

Example: humans are classified by race, the classes having race names which are sanctioned by the government. If there is racial conflict, it is conflict between classes.

Do you see this differently, as in problematical?

++SloMo++ said...

Here's a famous and easy example of conflation:

All bats are animals.
Some wooden objects are bats.
Therefore, some wooden objects are animals.

The word bat does not have the same meaning in the two clauses.

Class conflict is antagonism between socioeconomic classes so you say all war is class war is incorrect. It's a Marxist concept. Yes, "classification" starts with "class" but it's not the same "class" as in "class war". Like some other guy said - Look it up.

Stan said...

That's interesting, because I did look it up, several sources, and I posted the most interesting in my comment above, which apparently you did not read.

The classification of items into "classes" is no different from identifying economic classes a la Marxism.

But as you could see from the site devoted to classism, there is much included under the aegis of socio-economic, including race, for example.

An interesting look at "the New American Class System" is here, in Time Magazine. Even after declaring new classes, Time defers the term to the Marxists and uses "paths" instead of "classes".

Synonyms for "class" are not too helpful, although they do include words other than "economic divisions":

ancestry, birth, bourgeoisie, breed, caliber, caste, circle, clan, clique, club, company, condition, connection, coterie, cultural level, degree, derivation, descent, estate, extraction, family, genealogy, grade, hierarchy, influence, intelligentsia, league, lineage, moiety, nobility, origin, pecking order, pedigree, pigeonhole, place, position, prestige, quality, sect, social rank, source, sphere, standing, state, station, status, stock, strain, stratum, the right stuff, tier, title

How about Perceived Intelligentsia Subset Occupying Numerous Universities (P.I.S.S.O.N.U.)? vs. Libertarian And Freedom Fight Against Tyranny of PISSONU? (L.A.F.F.A.T.P.I.S.S.O.N.U.)

Or maybe those terms are spoken for by other ideologies, who knows...

Anti-PISSONU Defense League. That sounds right.

mike3838 said...

Ah, I see where you went wrong.

"Atheism claims (a) to be evidence based, (b) logic based, and (c) that there is no deity. Yet under claims (a) and (b), Atheists cannot know claim (c)"

Your axiom is flawed because atheists rarely, if ever, claim (c). If you reworded that as (c): There is no evidence to suggest the existance of a deity, then you'd be bang on. No irrationality at all. Bye bye straw man.

In the absence of evidence, a proposition isn't 50/50 true/false. The possibility of something being true given zero evidence is astronomically small though, considering that a claim of such magnitude would need an incredible amount of evidence.


Stan said...

Actually, Mike, you are asserting the Category Error, in which you require material evidence for a non-material entity, and then make the claim that the lack of material evidence proves the non-existence of any non-material entity, to within a probability of astronomical negligibility.

The fact is that Atheists can provide zero proof, either evidentiary or logical/deductive, in actual support of their position that there is no such existence. Moreover, they cannot prove that material existence is all that there is to existence, using either material evidence or logic/deduction. Atheism is a form of Skeptical Denialism which only destroys knowledge and does not ever produce knowledge. The Atheo-Materialist cannot even demonstrate that knowledge is material, meaning is material, or that consciousness or the mind are material, despite their primitive references to neuroscience.

Atheism depends upon Materialism to make its evidentiary claims; Materialism cannot even demonstrate that its own foundational claim is true, because it is founded on the Category Error. Because Materialism is a phony ideology, Atheism has no leverage in the area of evidence.

Even further, Atheism demands material evidence for the non-material existence (the previously mentioned Category Error), yet refuses to allow the same conditions for itself: Atheists Special Plead that they need not demonstrate either material evidence or non-material evidence in support of their position. They are comfortable in making that demand on others, but refuse it for themselves; Special Pleading = hypocrisy.

So, in actuality there is evidence of a material nature of non-material existence, which Atheists must deny in order to preserve their ideology (care to discuss it and refute it?). And there are deductive arguments which Atheists cannot refute which support non-material existence (care to discuss those and refute them?). Also there are scientific hypotheses which are mathematically derived which strongly indicate other dimensions and modes of existence (String Theory).

Moreover, Atheists routinely accept absurdities which they cannot prove: that the universe came from nothing without the intentional initiation of an agent; that minerals predict life; that the position of electrons predicts intellect; that meaning is physical, etc.

For these reasons, Atheism is without any evidence for its support, and is without any logic in its support. It goes deeper than merely changing the terms of the argument to support the Skeptical Denialism which is the sum total of Atheism.

You said,

”If you reworded that as (c): There is no evidence to suggest the existance of a deity, then you'd be bang on. No irrationality at all. Bye bye straw man.”

For the reasons stated above, your rewording of (c) is false. Plus, your rewording of (c) is a universal statement, which you cannot prove, under any circumstance: a blind belief.

Next, my argument is not an axiom. It is a demonstration of the internal non-coherence (contradiction) of Atheism.

Finally, it seems that many Atheists know only the one actual fallacy: Straw Man. But they don’t know what it means, or how it looks when they use it incorrectly. An argument is a Straw Man Fallacy if it is used to create an argument for defeat, which argument is not currently being made, in order to divert a conversation away from the actual subject.

Now if you wish to produce non-contradictory evidence (non-material) for the non-existence of (non-material) entities, then please do so. And if you have refuted all possible arguments for the existence of non-material entities, please at least list them for us here.

Tell you what: even if you have material evidence for non-material non-existence, please show us that.

Otherwise, you have no evidence to present for the support of your ideology.

You are invited to take the Challenge to Atheists, which is in the right hand column of this blog.

mike3838 said...

Thanks for the prompt reply. I'm not a philosopher, so it will take some digesting, but I will properly consider what you're saying.

I would point out that it was indeed a straw man to assert that atheism is the position of 100% confidence in Gods non-existence, and to go on and point out that this is logically inconsistent with an evidence based worldview. Most atheists would agree with this very contradiction, since most (not all) of them recognise that it is irrational. Talking about "atheism's irrationality" and "blind faith" is therefore unfounded and an easy argument for you to discredit. It's textbook straw man.


Stan said...

When Atheists make the assertion that there is no God, that assertion is a positive claim of non-existence. Philosophical Materialism makes that claim explicit. There are plenty of Atheo-Materialists, whether you know them or not.

It is common here on this blog for Atheists to hedge their bets only when they are confronted with the necessity for evidentiary support to back up their assertions. Then they rapidly deny their beliefs, commonly claiming to hold no belief. Otherwise they are quite happy to assert the denial of that existence.

I would point out that it was indeed a straw man to assert that atheism is the position of 100% confidence in Gods non-existence, and to go on and point out that this is logically inconsistent with an evidence based worldview.

When such positive assertions of non-existence are made, then there is no possibility of a Straw Man. You are making universal statements which you have no possibility of supporting. Such beliefs do exist. It is uncommon for an Atheist to show up making the claim that he is 97% certain, or 82.3% certain, or 99.99999999% certain. In fact it never has happened. Although Dawkins makes an amusing 6.9 out 7 chances (or somesuch) statement, thus placing him as an Agnostic, to which he agrees.

"Most atheists would agree with this very contradiction, since most (not all) of them recognise that it is irrational."

You are again making a universal statement about what Atheists believe that does not match up with the actual experience had in this blog. It is very common, btw, for an Atheist to show up here and to insist that he represents the thinking of all Atheists, yet not to understand the positions of the influential Atheist philosopher types.

Because of the tendency amongst Atheists to try to redefine their way out of this logic issue by denying their beliefs in one place while affirming them in another, the definition of Atheism used here is "positive assertion of the non-existence of a deity". Any attempt to place unmeasurable gradations on this belief are placed into the agnostic or unsure category.

"Talking about "atheism's irrationality" and "blind faith" is therefore unfounded and an easy argument for you to discredit. It's textbook straw man."

Only if you deny your actual belief system would it be an issue, and then only for your specific case; for those who admit to their positive assertion of non-existence, it is a direct analysis of that position and therefore not a Straw Man in any sense.

Further, even if you argue that you cannot be 100% certain, you still make the same Category Error by demanding evidence which is of a different category. And having done that, and still insisting that the need for evidence to support your position doesn't apply to you, yourself is still Special Pleading.

So regardless of your self-positioning on a scale of belief/non-belief, the same reasoning applies. There is no difference merely because of the percentage of belief, the difference is because of the type of evidentiary theory being applied, and the special place which Atheists allocate for themselves to be sequestered away from their own demands.

A rogue thought: There is an interesting twist which occurs: First, the demand for evidence must be rational; second, the rationality must be identical to material evidence (because there is no non-material existence according to Atheo-Materialism).

The internal contradictions of Atheo-Materialism abound.

mike3838 said...

"There are plenty of Atheo-Materialists, whether you know them or not."

Agreed. But if your intention was to point that Philosophic Atheo-Materialism is irrational then you should have done so. You said atheism was irrational. Aren't you guilty of exactly:

"You are again making a universal statement about what Atheists believe"?


"It is common here on this blog for Atheists to hedge their bets only when they are confronted with the necessity for evidentiary support to back up their assertions. Then they rapidly deny their beliefs, commonly claiming to hold no belief. Otherwise they are quite happy to assert the denial of that existence."

From my own personal experience, I have a potential explanation for what you're observing and appear to be interpreting as dishonesty. During discussions with the average person, or indeed with the average religious fundamentalist, I find it's rarely helpful to talk about numerical levels of confidence which are misleading and entirely unquantifiable, and in cases of ill-informed people often misinterpreted as "Oh, so you're not *sure* then? You don't believe your own argument! Therefore I'm right".

I suggest that it's only when forced to actually thoroughly evaluate the lack of belief that the truth is conceded, and the belief as stated is adjusted. It isn't atheists suddenly hedging, or intellectual dishonesty, it's a reframing of the position for a deeper level of discussion.

Your points on Category Error and Special Pleading are noted. As I said, I'm not a philosopher so I will take them away for further reading, as it seems to me that these are the cornerstones of your philosophy and so important to fully grasp before going further (although it seems to me on first glance that Special Pleading doesn't apply under a "99.9999%" worldview, only in the case of the "true" atheist)


Stan said...

"There are plenty of Atheo-Materialists, whether you know them or not."

Agreed. But if your intention was to point that Philosophic Atheo-Materialism is irrational then you should have done so. You said atheism was irrational. Aren't you guilty of exactly:

"You are again making a universal statement about what Atheists believe"?

Having defined Atheism as an exact, positive belief, no.


"It is common here on this blog for Atheists to hedge their bets only when they are confronted with the necessity for evidentiary support to back up their assertions. Then they rapidly deny their beliefs, commonly claiming to hold no belief. Otherwise they are quite happy to assert the denial of that existence."

From my own personal experience, I have a potential explanation for what you're observing and appear to be interpreting as dishonesty. During discussions with the average person, or indeed with the average religious fundamentalist, I find it's rarely helpful to talk about numerical levels of confidence which are misleading and entirely unquantifiable, and in cases of ill-informed people often misinterpreted as "Oh, so you're not *sure* then? You don't believe your own argument! Therefore I'm right".

I suggest that it's only when forced to actually thoroughly evaluate the lack of belief that the truth is conceded, and the belief as stated is adjusted. It isn't atheists suddenly hedging, or intellectual dishonesty, it's a reframing of the position for a deeper level of discussion.

I disagree, based on the existence of explicit denial at one point and then a subsequent denial of the denial at another point. When running into intellectual difficulties they tend to want to change the ground rules. This includes not only redefining Atheism on-the-fly, but insisting on redefining the rules of deductive logic to suit their argument. This is intellectual dishonesty and is a symptom of ideological lock-down rather than open search for truth, whatever that might be. That observation is from my personal experiences here.

”Your points on Category Error and Special Pleading are noted. As I said, I'm not a philosopher so I will take them away for further reading, as it seems to me that these are the cornerstones of your philosophy and so important to fully grasp before going further (although it seems to me on first glance that Special Pleading doesn't apply under a "99.9999%" worldview, only in the case of the "true" atheist)

Excellent. Education in logic, especially deduction, fallacies, grounding in First Principles are essential, in my opinion, as starting points for developing a valid worldview. For fallacies, the Fallacy Files are an excellent source, on-line, and there are a number of books available also. Over the years I have accumulated a library of books on college-level logic as well as books on logical fallacy. There are a few books on critical thinking, some of which are infected with ideology, so one must be wary of the author’s unspoken intent.

I look forward to conversations with you, when you are ready.