Thursday, April 18, 2013

Atheists Bully Another Small Foe Into Submission

Another school district has been bullied by the FFRF into submission by threats of expensive lawsuits. The Breathitt County School District in Kentucky has opted to remove the Ten Commandments rather than be exposed to significant costs of defending their Freedom of Religion under the First Amendment. The students would have been the losers if the school district had fought, either winning or losing their case. The FFRF has no empathy for them, only for bullying small entities which cannot afford the court costs.

I wish that the school district had placed a separate plaque on the wall just for Atheism: Entitled "Moral Principles Of Atheism", the plaque would be blank.

1 comment:

aveskde said...

The first amendment does not protect religion being pay for by government money. Because that was a public school district, it has no right to support any religion, as it would be equivalent to government endorsement of religion.