Saturday, April 6, 2013

Rape of the Female Fetus: Profit From Abortion

Not only is abortion a good and and moral blessing according to its fans, it also is a resource for human parts. The debate now turns to the taking of eggs (ovary follicles actually) from dead female preborns. The issue of ethics is no barrier here, it appears. Why? The dead preborn human follicles have the capability of 7 million eggs, reduced to 250,000 at puberty. If researchers can harvest all 7 million, think of the cash (always follow the money - and the presumptive power it gives).

It has been claimed that requiring ultrasounds before an abortion is tantamount to raping the woman with a medical procedure. This hysterical claim is hardly radical compared to what is really happening.

Like a true rape, the surgeon would violate the human female, now dead at the hands of the surgeon of course, open up her sex organs and take her egg-producing follicles - for profit, no doubt (the AtheoLeft enjoys captitalism differentially). This is reported in the Daily Mail

Of course the reasoning is shrouded with moral overtones to cover the actual macabre post-abortion corpse rape. There is a shortage of human eggs in the world; this is a crisis of course, because there are women who must wait to get eggs.

Somehow, a crisis must be created, if one does not already exist to cover for the assault on human rights and dignity by the AtheoLeft. A waiting list justifies the plundering of human parts.

Those on the AtheoLeft who claim indignantly that there is no slippery slope are not just wrong, they are liars. This is the standard Leftist use of the Hegelian thesis-antithesis-synthesis approach to eugenics and to all Leftist totalitarian power. In the Atheist VOID there is no moral compunction available to either guide or restrict the faux-ethic which the Atheist will derive for himself.

Yet they still cannot understand why they cannot be and are not trusted; it's because they are not deserving of it.

PS: As Avey pointed out, this fully exposes the lie that the fetus is not human: what other entity in the universe has human reproductive faculties?

1 comment:

Avey Owyns said...

Woot! Great post ... and great analysis of rape and the left's inconsistency.