Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Headline of the Month

Zimmerman Guilty Of Not Being Black
Article by Lee Habeeb; Headline by ?

Says Habeeb:

"The fact is, if George Zimmerman had been a black man, this case would never have been brought to trial. If George Zimmerman had been black, the NAACP and Al Sharpton would never have marched on Sanford Fla., and demanded that the state take over the case [from a black sheriff, btw]. The fact is, George Zimmerman was guilty in the eyes of the NAACP eyes of not being black. that is why he was charged and prosecuted."

Occasionally the Left's narrative gets a little stale and needs some rage to pep it up. George Zimmerman sounded like a white guy at first. The self-righteous outrage was intially based on that assumption; it had to be band-aided into "white hispanic" to salvage the grievous racial error and keep the narrative afloat.

Of course, Zimmerman is one quarter black, which is only 1/4 off of Obama's claim to blackness. Even Obama's real children are only 3/4 black. But Zimmerman is not black enough, so he fits the narrative of "white Hispanic", although that is rationally meaningless. Maybe if he were a quarter more black, then it wouldn't have caused the leftist racist ruckus. The Left cares only about race (unless they're on about some other perceived white male crime); they're perpetually silent about the 63 blacks murdered since Trayvon was shot while pounding Zimmerman's head into the concrete. That's because those were shot by other blacks, in the Democrat plantations. No narrative support from that.

Tavis Smiley told ABC that "it's open season on black men in this country". He's actually part right: in the welfare plantations, it does seem to be open season on blacks, by blacks. That's not what Smiley meant, of course. Apparently Smiley and the hysterical Leftists think that we - like their own followers - don't have any access to the actual news of the world. Anyone who actually does have that access and is not a guided drone of the Left would know who black men should fear, and it is not whites.

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

Huh. I listened to Tavis Smiley while he was on NPR, back in the days when I commuted 170 miles each day to my job. Gradually, as the years passed, he interviewed a fellow named Cornel West and when they got together, the trash talk about whitey just got worse.

You should have heard the one where they discussed Bill Cosby. They threw that man under the bus, a guy who'd been and done everything good as a husband and father, simply because he refused to buy the 'victim' lies everyone else seemed eager to peddle.

I think they are both bigots, but of course, being the correct skin color, they get a pass. My own son is quite brown (only half Pinoy, you see) but does not subscribe to the politics of color.