Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Of all the young black shooting victims in this country... can name 1. Because you've been trained like a circus seal to bark on command."

David Burge

The racist (Democrat) media virtually ignores the big city slaughters, likely because they are black on black, and the narrative requires an external (non-black) oppressor which to hate on. Name one child killed in chicago or Detroit who was designated as a potential son by Obama. The black on black slaughters seem to be considered merely collateral damage incurred by the Victimization and Plantation program, and maybe a slight bump for gun control (the guns and gun laws are the problem, you see, even where guns are outlawed totally). There is no indication that the Left understands in the least that these mob-on-mob plantation wars are in any manner related to the welfare state and the destruction of the family unit. Not to mention the confused, relativist morality of the people in charge.

Trayvon was a symbol, an icon for a narrative - and still is. Eric Holder has said that "we must not waste this opportunity" to pursue this narrative to fulfilment with the further federal persecution of Zimmerman. This is despite the jury's decision and despite the FBI's finding of no racism in Zimmerman's history. The narrative has been applied to Zimmerman, and it must be fulfilled. No justice, no peace; justice is defined by the narrative, not the application of dispassion to facts.

The escalation of Zimmerman to a federal felon will be hampered, first by the FBI, and second by testimony from Jeantel, who suggested to Trayvon that Zimmerman might be a homosexual predator. If Trayvon attacked Zimmerman because of Zimmerman's putative homosexuality, then it was Trayvon who commited the hate crime against a designated Victim. And maybe Jeantel, for profiling.

This continues to be an interesting story, as the Leftist moralizers tie themselves in knots of their own devising.

True history can be brutal to the deceivers:

Never forget:
It was the Democrats who fought to save slavery of blacks on plantations;

It was Democrats who manned the KKK;

It was Democrats who instituted segregation and Jim Crow;

Bull Connor was a Democrat who set the dogs on blacks;

It was Democrats who largely voted against the Civil Rights Act and then took credit for it;

It was and is Democrats who maintain abortion mills in minority neighborhoods far in excess of non-minority neightborhoods;

It is Democrats who declare that blacks cannot be expected to meet standards that whites have to meet;

It is Democrats who maintain the ghetto plantations that keep blacks in poverty, in single parent families, and with terrible schools.

It is any wonder that the Plantation blacks feel both Victimized and entitled? Their oppressors have not changed in 150 years, except to include now black leaders who profit from the codependency of false messiahism and the votes of their Victims. What has changed is the narrative, which now attributes black oppression not to Democrats and Leftist messiahs, but to the Other, and all of the Other is now defined as "white", as in "white hispanic".

Where there is no fixed morality, there is neither shame nor restraint.

Where there is no memory of history, there is ignorance of the cause for social ills.

Where there is no Truth, there are no lies, only narratives.


no name said...

"Never forget"

Sure, the Democratic Party WAS the conservative right-wing party but that was decades ago.

Stan said...

he Democrat Party has always been the Party of dominance-by-force. More recently the Democrats are forcing through socialist laws without reading them by breaking the rules of Congress and using "the nuclear option".

They are the party of real (not imagined) scandals in every executive department, where they abuse their "servanthood to the electorate" by using their governmental power to attack and suppress their political enemies (just like Stalin and Mao); they implemented the insane program to arm druglords which killed hundreds of innocents, including Americans; they refuse to enforce laws they don't like such as enforcing the sovereign borders and deporting lawbreaker-illegals and they forbid states from enforcing borders also.

They suppress the news they don't like, and they create news which carries their narrative.

They have no shame, because they have no actual morals, only the tactics of Alinsky. A collective without shame is capable of anything whatsoever.

Especially capable of excusing their own irrational actions while attacking their opponents with false accusations and lies.

True history is an enemy of these people. I think I should keep publishing it.