Sunday, July 21, 2013

Quotes of the Day, 07.21.13

"“We have a president who is balkanizing the nation, as is his cabinet,” he continued. “This wasn’t about Barack Obama. This was a trial in a courtroom in Florida. And now all weekend long the question is going to be, ‘What did you think about what Obama said? It was good. It was bad.’ So suddenly it’s about Obama. Obama had been Franklin Roosevelt. He’s been Abraham Lincoln. He’s been Ronald Reagan. And now he’s been Trayvon Martin. But he’s none of them. He didn’t live like Trayvon Martin, nor is he any of those three presidents. This president could have been a great president — policies aside — by his temperament, by what he said, by his respect for the American people. This president could have been a man that could have been admired. Instead, he is what he is.”

Mark Levin, Quoted at the Daily Caller

.@BarackObama: "Trayvon could've been me, 35 years ago." This is big. Can we track down the Hispanic guy he beat up for being gay?
2:11 PM - 19 Jul 2013

Jim Treacher @jtLOL

1 comment:

Steven Satak said...

BWAHAHA! So very true! And the best part? I remember Adam Carolla on the radio about five, six years back. He said "You know, there's code and then there's code. Take same-name-twice. Anytime you hear someone describe another guy like this - 'yeah, well, Dave's Dave.' or even 'he is what he is', it's code. No, really.

What this guy is saying is, 'I think this guy is an asshole'. He can't come right out and say it - after all, he doesn't want to get into trouble for saying it, because Dave might be his boss. But he doesn't have to. Everyone knows exactly what this guy means. Code. And there's a lot of that going on, in every workplace in the world."

Yeah, I would have to agree and say that Obama is what he is.