Saturday, July 13, 2013

The New World of Slippery Morals and Sliding Intellectual Processing

Daniel Dennett, in his interview with Andrew Brown of the Guardian, shows no reluctance to Special Plead for Atheism. Churches, claims Dennett, by doing their good works are legitimizing the “bad churches” and the evil that the “bad churches” do; therefore good churches are actually bad churches. When his criticism is applied to Atheism, correctly, Dennett claims that “we condemn that, of course”, referring to the communist murders (hundreds of millions) and persecutions and the Mexican persecution of the 1930’s. When he is cornered with the statement that churches also condemn the bad churches, Dennett weakly claims, “not very vocally”.

Dennett wouldn’t actually know, it appears, because he obviously doesn’t read anything that goes counter to his set of personal “memes” which support his ideology. And the press doesn’t carry protests against the Westboro bigots, it carries protests BY the Westboro bigots. What Dennett does is to invoke his own personal reality, in which all churches are evil, period. Then he transmits that “meme” as if it were actual truth.

Dennett and the New Atheists are prime examples of self-endowment of moral authority and self-created thought processes, all of which are specifically designed to support their personal opinion and, as necessary, deny reality. Truth is relative to the desired ideologic narrative, and logic is merely the supporting of the desired narrative with fanciful mental gyrations ginned up as props for support. Facts don’t enter into the personal reality of those dedicated to an ideology which is not fact based.

Yet Dennett is a guru in the new world of relativist thinking, relativist morality and persecution of the Other where possible. This new world revolves around and folds in on itself. It is defined by self-interest, both in morality and in the definition of truth: in the new world of relativism, neither morality nor truth exist as externals, and both are completely relative to the needs of the creating entity, i.e. the person who is at the center of his own reality.

Relativity in thought results in defining truth on a moment by moment basis; what was true 5 seconds ago is no longer true now, if that is the requirement of the relativist. So there is no possibility for contradiction because the earlier “truth” is now ignored completely as if it never existed. So there are no lies for the relativist, just denials and claims that the observer just doesn’t understand - which is true, because there is no rational position which can be observed or understood.

However here’s what actually can be observed: when the standards of disciplined, grounded, deductive logic are applied to the maunderings of the relativist, it becomes obvious that there is no rational content. That renders such content that there appears to be, irrational.

Nonrtheless, these creating entities, despite being sequestered in their own personal universal truth and moral universes, have something in common: their personally-derived tautological morality. Being the arbiter of all things moral, they are automatically moral themselves, merely by definition. Their own definition, of course.

This commonality leads to their common vision of themselves as messiahs, saviors of mankind as a general class, and starting with the salvation of certain classes of victims which must be saved from the oppressor class. Hence women must be saved from being oppressed by their own embryonic progeny, by killing the embryonic progeny. Blacks can never be expected to meet the oppressive standards of behavioral, educational and work standards, and must be saved from being subjected to such standards by selectively lowering the standards for them and just them. Homosexuals must be normalized and fully legitimized, and their opposition vilified and delegitimized as hate mongers. The “99%” must be saved from the “1%”.

These four categories, which enable killing of progeny, continued racial subjugation of blacks, destruction of marriage as a moral institution, and redistribution of wealth to non-producers, are selected because they will always be a battleground, permanently, so long as there exists any rational opposition which has not been eliminated or silenced. A permanent battleground is a necessity; the messiahs need a permanent set of Victims and Villains, in order to maintain their narrative.

The cases against these messiah-driven pogroms are both rational, and simply stated:

1. Killing one’s progeny for the convenience of the parent is neither rational nor moral, nor is it “women’s healthcare” or “reproductive freedom”. (Obama spoke for the continuation of abortion rights for his daughters so that they could kill his own grandchildren if they wish: "I don't want them punished with a baby").

2. Continually regarding the black community as inferior and requiring lower standards is racist. So is the perpetual maintenance of poverty via wealth redistribution.

It should not be forgotten that Jim Crow was a Democrat Party implementation in the “Solid (Democrat) South” and that the Democrats were the southern slaveholders. Now the Democrats and Leftists racially discriminate to keep blacks in ghettos by subsidizing them for minimal survival there – but refuse to allow education vouchers so that blacks can escape their abysmal schools (Obama’s first act was to eliminate that limited program from D.C., denying even exceptional black students access to superior schooling). And they keep the stereotype alive by demanding that blacks not have to meet criteria which “are too hard”, implying the perpetual inferiority of blacks, a stereotype which adheres to and follows all blacks regardless of their actual capabilities.

Under the moral relativist brain-flip, objection to the discrimination against blacks implemented by the AtheoLeft is called “racist”, as is any objection to policies made either for or by blacks.

3. Homosexuality is abnormal behavior, not normal behavior; probably fewer than 3% are homosexual. Normalizing and legitimizing abnormal behavior as morally and legally equal to the 97% who exhibit normal behavior is destined to lead to the normalization of any behavior along the Kinseyan spectrum of “behaviors which are not to be judged”, and the resulting collapse of all fixed morality. Chaos and anarchy are the rational conclusions of a world with no limits on behaviors, no possible truth or noncontradiction, no possible morality except that which is concocted at the moment by individuals encountering a situation.

4. Redistribution of wealth is seen as friendly to the masses who are greedy for what they don’t earn, and it has a naturally hated Villain, the wealthy. Wealth, regardless of how it is accumulated, is designated as evil by the messiahist arbiters of morality and justice. People with wealth are designated for hate and attack – unless they are part of the messiah group (say movie stars, TV journalists, global financiers, and senators), and then they are forgiven for having their wealth. Again, there is no contradiction, because there is no truth other than that decreed relativistically, by the relativists.

Chaos and anarchy already reign the minds of the moral relativists. With no fixed principles to guide them, they can declare anything to be either moral or immoral, depending upon their personal need at the moment. That being the case, then moral and intellectual anarchy are the moral basis upon which this group acts and depends.

Because the new relativist messiahs believe completely in their own morality and immunity to external morals, they are a dangerous group. There are no immoral tactics, a concept immortalized by Alinsky and taught by Obama. Enemies of the messiahs can be attacked in any and every creative fashion possible, all of which are totally moral in the concept of the relativist messiahs.

Here’s a current example. After the Zimmerman trial, if he is not convicted for the murder of Trayvon, there are groups already organized, some by the US government, to protest in the streets. These will result in riots and death, and the messiahs will call it justified in the defense of Blacks Everywhere; justice by jury is ignored completely, because the relativists have decided guilt themselves, and they will decide the consequences, too. They are above the law. As are all Leftists, which is attested by the current Administration and its minions. The law, like all concepts, is merely relative and the messiahs are the arbiters of whether to abide by it or ignore it.

Being the total arbiters of truth, morality, definers of who is the oppressor of the victims, and the source of the pogroms against their enemies, the relativist messiahs are totalitarian in nature and extremely dangerous. Being tautologically moral themselves, they are subject to no guilt, no shame. They hold to no fixed moral theory, they think in consequentialist tactics, and they define enemies based on their own moral elitism. They are self-righteously and morally self-enabled to both persecute and conquer. By whatever Alinsky-imagined tactics might work. After all, anything they do is automatically moral.

For them, Caesar is god, and they are Caesar.

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