Sunday, August 11, 2013

Excusing Major Hasan: The New Case For "Pre-Post Traumatic Stress For No Reason Whatsoever in the Un-Traumatized"

The AtheoLeftists started immediately to excuse Major Hasan on the basis of insanity: it had nothing to do with the vulnerability of his victims who were obeying the gun control laws and were unarmed – on a military installation.
“Major Hasan is a Virginia-born army psychiatrist and a recipient of the Pentagon’s Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, which seems fair enough, since he certainly served in it, albeit for the other side. Most Americans think he’s nuts. He thinks Americans are nuts. It’s a closer call than you’d think. In the immediate aftermath of his attack, the U.S. media, following their iron-clad rule that “Allahu akbar” is Arabic for “Nothing to see here,” did their best to pass off Major Hasan as the first known victim of pre-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. “It comes at a time when the stress of combat has affected so many soldiers,” fretted Andrew Bast in a report the now defunct Newsweek headlined, “A Symptom of a Military on the Brink.”

“Major Hasan has never been in combat. He is not, in fact, a soldier. He is a shrink. The soldiers in this story are the victims, some 45 of them. And the only reason a doctor can gun down nearly four dozen trained warriors (he was eventually interrupted by a civilian police officer, Sergeant Kimberly Munley, with a 9mm Beretta) is that soldiers on base are forbidden from carrying weapons. That’s to say, under a 1993 directive a U.S. military base is effectively a gun-free zone, just like a Connecticut grade school. That’s a useful tip: If you’re mentally ill and looking to shoot up a movie theater at the next Batman premiere, try the local barracks — there’s less chance of anyone firing back.

“Maybe this Clinton-era directive merits reconsideration in the wake of Fort Hood? Don’t be ridiculous. Instead, nine months after Major Hasan’s killing spree, the Department of Defense put into place “a series of procedural and policy changes that focus on identifying, responding to, and preventing potential workplace violence.”

Hasan shot the first MP to confront him and was about to administer the death shot when he was shot and stopped by the second. But only after a deadly rampage on the legally disarmed. Why would the selected, trained defenders of the USA be forbidden from carrying their issued weapons? Would it be the creeping Leftism which infests every facet of American life?

The Left works on fear: we fear these things: something BAD might happen so these things must be legislated against. The list of "these things to be feared" includes nearly everything, but especially guns and carbon and corporations and the herd. The herd is too stupid; they are dangerous to themselves. Only the AtheoLeft can save them from themselves (especially the trial lawyers, who need laws to support their lawsuits). Unintended consequences be damned.

In fact, unintended consequences are useful in escalating the Leftist rhetoric. Never waste a crisis; use it for its emotional content and irrational thinking. In Hasan's case, the rhetoric is "workplace violence and how it must be stopped", as irrational a use of a crisis as it gets.

The Hasan terror attack (his own admission) is as foreseeable as are future attacks on any disarmed group of people. What the AtheoLeft actually fears is the herd itself, which at some point will actually turn on them. As Obama fears, with “pitchforks and torches” if that is all they are allowed. It’s no wonder the Left rationalizes so stupidly against weapons in the hands of their enemies – not Hasan, of course, he has PrePost Traumatic Stress For No Reason Whatsoever Syndrome – but the herd itself.

Therefore, weapons must be demonized with cloaks of moral selfrighteusness. Alinsky would be proud: even America's defensive warriors are disarmed and vulnerable. Clinton's administration noticed the obvious: the folks in the armed services do not vote Democrat. Just coincidentally, they disarmed them.

The AtheoLeft wants everyone to merely be TARGETS.


LiberalViewer said...

The Right uses fear: if you don't have guns, you are weak and in danger.

The Right uses fear: you are part of a heard that the government is attempting to control; fight for yourself!

The Right is endowed with self-righteousness: they know what's best for you in terms of education, health, politics, urbanization, religion, foreign affair. It's quite simple: be like them, be on the 'Right', don't dissent, or else...

God is One said...

the folks in the armed services do not vote Democrat.

Stan said...

These stats claim that officers vote far more conservatively than enlisted, and that officers vote more often than enlisted.

Stan said...

Your comments deviate from the conversation, which is how the Left creates false fear with lies about the circumstances and motivations behind tragedies. Let’s examine your comments.

(1) ”The Right uses fear: if you don't have guns, you are weak and in danger.”

This is not a premise being used; here is the true premise:

>> If there had been armed persons in the immediate vicinity of Hasan or any other mass murderer, that would have changed things for the better, saving lives: if you are unarmed, then you are just exactly that: unarmed. That is the functional equivalent of “potential victim”.<<

This is a statement of fact, and if you claim it to be false, then explain why you think so in detail with sufficient evidence to make your case.

Your next comment:

(2) ”The Right uses fear: you are part of a heard [sic] that the government is attempting to control; fight for yourself!”

Interestingly, the Leftist government currently is implementing both top-down corporate-government collusion fascism, and top-down egalitarian Marxism:

Further, the printing of money for both increased debt, and collusion with the Big Banks in their unpunished criminal adventures continues unabated, presaging certain financial collapse.

The Right doesn’t have to manufacture reports of governmental malfeasance; they are already available on the news en masse. Well, maybe not the MSM news.

So this comment is false in its intent. What the Right justifiably fears is actually demonstrably real, compared to the manufactured fears hysterically mounted by the Left (blacks are not endangered by whites, regardless of the Leftist hype).

(3) ”The Right is endowed with self-righteousness: they know what's best for you in terms of education, health, politics, urbanization, religion, foreign affair. It's quite simple: be like them, be on the 'Right', don't dissent, or else...”

This is just a juvenile repetition of the actual characteristics of Leftism, with the name changed to “Right”. There is nothing to support any of these accusations, and this one especially. But let’s play along:

First off, or else… what? There is no threat from the Right other than that which is manufactured by the Left. (Racism and fear of whites where it is not true or necessary; Tea Party violence that doesn’t exist; etc). The threats from the Left are readily available for daily observation, and are well known.

Second, that which you interpret as self-righteousness is both a projection of Leftist pompous moralization from the AtheoLeftist basis of self-endowed morality and self-created, temporary morals, AND it is an innate fear of the traditional morality which restricts the AtheoLeft from its cherished absolute freedom from moral authority beyond itself (as well as logical and rational authority).

The Right is not self-righteous in the same sense; the Right does, however, have common, grounded principles upon which they base their statements regarding their human rights and freedoms. And those principles are definitely counter to the totalitarian, huge government, restricted rights and secret-everything which today’s Leftists love (Bills must be passed without reading them; revealing the NSA secret information spying nexus is “treason”; both Inspectors General and whistleblowers are persecuted). As for education, the maleducated millenials speak volumes for the Leftist approach via government schools, while the far superior home-schooled students outstrip the unfortunate government educated in all subjects. The other categories (especially politics, urbanization and foreign affairs) follow suit.

Once again, you provide no evidence for your accusations. Your comments are without any rational force.

Stan said...

Another data point:

Stan said...

And another data point:

JD said...

"This is a statement of fact"

No, it's a statement based on your imagination.

Life isn't a video game. There is no flashing red arrow above the "bad guy's" head. The shooting lasted less than ten minutes. It was confusing. Initially authorities thought there were several gunmen and witness reported more than one gunmen and police arrested three people and were on the look-out for more.

Reading the early articles about the shooting you find statements like: "A Killeen police department spokeswoman warned there were still suspects at large. "All the suspects are not in custody at this time," she told AFP. "I know they have active shooters out there.""*

Not only did the witnesses not know who was shooting but they believed that innocent people were also gunmen. So imagine one gunman starts shooting. There's no flashing red arrow so your armed persons are confused and shoot a person they believe to be the gunman. Another group of armed persons believe that group of armed persons are the gunmen and return fire. Police arrive and don't know who the gunman is and so on.

Your fact is a fantasy.


142 alcorol said...

This is why gun ranges are so safe!


At least gun shows are incredibly safe places!
