Sunday, August 4, 2013

Grasping For Straws While Drowning in a Sea of Lies: The “Southern Strategy” Myth Rides Again

In 1981, Lee Atwater was recorded responding to an interviewer’s question by outlining a hypothetical strategy that would work for a political party to get Southern voter support. An audio version of that interview is here:

Well, not the entire interview, only the surgically edited “select” portion. Be sure to note the prejudicial introductory screens. Then, if you’re interested go here for a typical Leftist self-righteous view of Atwater’s interview.

What, exactly does the taped interview with Atwater actually say? In other words, what sort of historical facts does Atwater use in his hypothesis? Note that it is a hypothesis he is offering, not a revelation of an actual program, and also note that the tape stops well short of revealing the nature of Atwater’s thoughts. Now why would such editing be done? Why do network news crews do similar cut jobs? Are actual facts not in their favor?

What Atwater describes is a political party approach to appeal to white southern voters where…
“…you start out in 1954 by saying nigger, nigger, nigger. By 1968 you can’t say nigger, that hurts, there’s a backlash, so you say stuff like forced busing, states rights and all that stuff. And you’re getting so abstract now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all of these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites. [the tape stops here] And subconsciously maybe that is part of it, I’m not saying it.

But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract and that coded, then we’re doing away with the racial problem one way or another. You follow me? ‘Cause obviously sitting around saying, we want to cut taxes, we want to cut this, and we want–is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than nigger, nigger. So any way you look at it, race is coming on the back burner.”

Atwood describes three types of concerns that must be exploited in order to appeal to white southerners:

1) Racism, in 1954:
In 1954, which party was saying “nigger, nigger, nigger” in order to get the white southerner vote? Democrats. (Bull Connor; the defenders of Democrat conceived and perpetuated Jim Crow laws to suppress the blacks).
2) Racism and independence in 1968:
In 1968, which party was saying “forced busing, states rights” etc. in order to get the white southerner vote? Democrats. (e.g. Jesse Helms, D. S.C.)
3) Economic Concerns after 1968:
Starting with Kennedy and going through Johnson, Keynesian tax cuts were a Democrat program, renounced by Republicans due to the inflationary consequences.
So to which party was Lee Atwater referring? Not Republicans. He was describing the historical path taken by the Democrats as the race platform was being transformed by the actions of the Republicans.

Historically, Johnson turned the Democrat Party to Northern Democrats, as the Democrat party capitulated to its uber-leftist wing, turning from overt racism to covert racism via proto-socialism.

Nixon was pro-black, and Affirmative Action was passed under him.

When Reagan beat Carter, it was not due to race because the race issue was obsolete; it was due to twin disasters of Carter’s years: economic stagflation (which hurt blacks disproportionaltely), and cowardly foreign policy. Tax cuts held universal appeal, and the Iranian hostage crisis showed Carter to be weak and indecisive and irrational (he had already revealed the names of CIA operatives on the ground around the world, endangering their lives before they could get out of their operations). A further incentive for the southern voter to turn Republican was disaffection with unions. Plus, many southerners had long since soured on the New Deal progressivism, and the big government being espoused by contemporary Democrats.

Considering the South to be monodimensional around race is a stereotype necessary to the survival of the Leftist Narrative, which includes the generation of the myth of the Southern Strategy as a Republican conspiracy.

The myth of the racist Southern Strategy is based on purposeful misinterpretation of Atwater’s theory of how Democrat racism was phased out of the political conversation and into covert Leftist programs – due to pressure from Republican anti-racial accomplishments. It is accompanied frequently by the careful prejudicial editing of Atwater’s statement. When coupled with willful ignorance of actual history, Atwater’s “Southern Strategy” is morphed into a conspiracy theory regarding Republicans based on nothing whatsoever of rational value, and it is easily refuted by looking at historical facts and comparing them with what Atwater actually said.

As an unsupported conspiracy theory, it is useful in using faux racism for blaming Republican opposition to the Democratic Messiah/Victim programs which maintain the blacks in their Victimhood perception of too inferior to compete without the direct help of their Messiah grantors of largesse.

Not looking into facts while pursuing their tribal Narrative is specific to those who irrationally pursue conclusions which have false premises; this is done because the tribal Narrative is a moral imperative which must be rationalized however necessary. Truth must not defeat the Narrative. Desperation requires desperate actions.

Well, truth does, in fact, defeat the Leftist tribal narrative. QED.

In a worldview where there is no Truth, there also are no lies. Re-read "Rules For Radicals" occasionally to refresh your understanding of the Left and its claims. RFR, pg 26: "The most unethical of all means is the non-use of any means."


A. Naturalist said...

Democrats of 1968 are not Democrats of 2013. Another pointless post. Thanks for the history lesson though.

Stunned. said...

Who were the Dixiecrats?
Why did the southern Democrats switch to the the Republicans?

Stan said...

The Democrats of 2013 are just as racist. The use of unbalanced Keynesian stimulus programs works specifically against the poor, and disproportionally against blacks.

For example Keynsian stimulus would be both inflationary cash injection, and tax cuts. The Democrats of today make huge cash injections (with the approval of stupidiferous Republican RINOs) and make only the teeniest tax cuts which are buried by the tax increases imbedded in socialist legislation. So in effect, no tax cuts.

Rampant inflation in life necessities without tax cuts is devastating to blacks. (Which is one reason that the government no longer reports those numbers).

Further, incentivising the creation of only "McJobs" though regulatory penalties to small business, jobs which are only part-time, also hits the blacks disproportionally.

Why do Democrats refuse to allow blacks to go to school wherever they wish?

Why do Democrats support the mass killing of unborn blacks?

Why do Democrats insist that blacks are unable to figure out how to get IDs and transportation to polling places?

Why are Democrats gelatinous on the subject of black on black violence?

Why are Democrats silent on black teen unemployment (or at best weepy eyed and impotent)?

This list can go on at great length, and will if the point is still not adequately made regarding the political racism and immorality of today's Democrats.

Stunned. said...

Who were the Dixiecrats?
Why did the southern Democrats switch to the the Republicans?

These weren't rhetorical questions. We have these people's stated reasons for leaving the Democratic Party and switching to the Republican Party. How do the right-wing history revisionists explain away that?

The questions you asked in your last comment have interesting answers so I hope to look into them within the next 24 hours.

Stan said...

You could gain a lot by using a search engine. It is more complex than I can explain here, but the essence follows:

The Dixiecrats were the "solid south" - a rigidly Democrat constituency that traditionally always carried the south for the Democrats. The Dixiecrats became a southern break-away from the Democrats when the Democrats began to focus on socialist programs rather than racism. Socialist Michael Harrington influenced Kennedy's War on Poverty, which was taken up by Lyndon Johnson after Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.

The southern whites and some blacks found that they aligned more readily with the fiscal and constitutional concepts of the Republicans (rather than the new socialist Democrat agenda), which focused on smaller government and balanced budgets (fiscal responsibility). Notably, Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican who promoted personal responsibility and the value of character. (I Have a Dream Speech)

The remaining blacks went over to the Democrats (previously their oppressors) when the Democrats began to promise them "stuff" starting with Lyndon Johnson's Great Society, as well as the infamous, ill-fated and uber-expensive War on Poverty. They were further seduced by the concept of reduced responsibility for their own welfare, and blaming others for their condition, which gave them the feeling of entitlement which infected their ghetto culture.

Stan said...

My first comment above was intended for A Naturalist; I should have made that clear.

Stan said...

stunned, here is more:

"The old guard Democrats began to fade away while a new generation of Southern politicians became Republicans. True, Strom Thurmond switched to GOP, but most of the old timers (Fulbright, Gore, Wallace, Byrd etc etc) retired as Dems.

Why did a new generation white Southerners join the GOP? Not because they thought Republicans were racists who would return the South to segregation, but because the GOP was a “local government, small government” party in the old Jeffersonian tradition. Southerners wanted less government and the GOP was their natural home.

Jimmy Carter, a Civil Rights Democrat, briefly returned some states to the Democrat fold, but in 1980, Goldwater’s heir, Ronald Reagan, sealed this deal for the GOP. The new ”Solid South” was solid GOP.

BUT, and we must stress this: the new southern Republicans were *integrationist* Republicans who accepted the Civil Rights revolution and full integration while retaining their love of Jeffersonian limited government principles."

Mike Allen, Professor of History at the University of Washington, Tacoma, via


I will post his list of Democrat oppression of blacks fully on this blog, crediting him, of course.

JD said...

"Why do Democrats insist that blacks are unable to figure out how to get IDs and transportation to polling places?"

Republicans are working to disenfranchise the certain groups of people because they don't vote for them.
The dubious benefit of voter ID laws simply do not outweigh the harm caused by disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of eligible voters.
It's the new literacy test.
Can you pass the literacy test?

"Why are Democrats gelatinous on the subject of black on black violence?"

9 out of 10 black victims of murder are killed by black people.
9 out of 10 white victims of murder are killed by white people.

Now imagine the police saying they were investigating an incident of white-on-white violence.

If we were to talk about "white-on-white crime," then at least we'd be addressing issues like gun violence in a racially neutral way. That doesn't happen because too many Americans remain convinced that black or brown people are the problem. Crime is driven by opportunity and proximity.
You should ask yourself why your refer to "black violence" instead of violence.

Steven Satak said...


In response to the Question

"Why do Democrats insist that blacks are unable to figure out how to get IDs and transportation to polling places?"

You wrote:

[i]Republicans are working to disenfranchise the certain groups of people because they don't vote for them.[/i]

Proof, please? Otherwise, isn't that balanced by the Democrats who are working to enfranchise 'certain groups of people' because they [i]will[/i] vote Democrat? Yes, I know - no proof on my side, either. But that's my point.

Furthermore, you wrote:

[i]The dubious benefit of voter ID laws simply do not outweigh the harm caused by disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of eligible voters.[/i]

Proof, please? Why is it dubious? Perhaps it's just dubious to you? How do you know it does not outweigh the harm caused by disenfranchisement? What sort of scales are you using? What sort of scales [i]could[/i] you use?

Where do you get your numbers? Why do you assume that the folks who cannot manage to get a legitimate form of ID care one whit about [i]voting[/i]? If they were eligible and cared, they'd have little trouble getting a valid ID - I just went downtown and got a re-issue of my son's birth certificate. Took thirty minutes and twenty bucks, not counting gas.

Isn't this more likely an example of your own personal opinion, with a touch of hyperbole?

You went on to write:

[i]It's the new literacy test.
Can you pass the literacy test?[/i]

How is requiring proof of citizenship the 'new literacy test' for anyone but an illegal immigrant? It's not there to prevent black citizens from voting, it's there to prevent persons who are in the US illegally and have no citizenship from voting. Why on earth should I give them the voting rights of a citizen?

Or does having my own ID card these days make me a racist? No wait, I forgot - merely disagreeing with a liberal on the topic of race makes me a racist. Because, you know, [i]the liberal has the moral and intellectual high ground[/i].

You should ask yourself why you insist on closing by asking questions about 'black' violence instead of 'just violence'. Because they are two different subjects, that's why.

Silly JD. The Narrative appears to compromise your reason.

JD said...

Why is it dubious?

In North Carolina, 115,000 registered North Carolina voters who cast a ballot in 2012, lack the kind of ID required by the law according to Republican Party figures.
Now the state alleges that there were 121 cases of voter fraud. Most allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless.

It's dubious because I believe that stopping the few cases of alleged voter fraud is not worth taking away the right to vote from hundreds of thousands of people.

If they were eligible and cared, they'd have little trouble getting a valid ID - I just went downtown and got a re-issue of my son's birth certificate. Took thirty minutes and twenty bucks, not counting gas.

Don't look now but your privilege is showing.