Monday, August 5, 2013

More Grasping At Straws To Salvage The Racist Narrative and Leftist Political Correctness

The Language Police at work:

Be advised! According to LegalInsurrection, the following terms are racist:

"Chink in the armor"; "brown bag"; "citizen". These are additions to the following: " Black List, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Rejigger, Providence Plantations, Black Friday, Gobbledygook, Illegal Immigrant, Undocumented Immigrant, Master Bedroom, and even the use of white copy paper."

Actually one should probably not use the words "white" or "brown" or "yellow" in any context. When aliens finally show up here, we'll have to retire the word "blue" as well.

The term "wetback" was abandoned long ago, because, after all, the Rio Grand river is only waist deep.

Acceptable terms include, "Cracker or cracka", "whitey", "fly overs", "Red Neck", "hillbilly", "hick", "homophobe", "raaaacist", "Uncle Tom", and "Tea Party equals the KKK". Also, "cunt", "whore or ho", and "nasty little chancre sore on the underside of George Wallace's ass".

Specially reserved terms include, "nigger", "boys, or boyz", "fag or faggot", "queer", "queen".

They will, of course, let us know when they are further offended.

As used by A Naturalist, in describing me: "You fucking racist!" This would go under Specially reserved terms.

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