Sunday, August 25, 2013

Updated: Accumulator of AtheoLeftist Lies, Frauds, Bullying and Racism: August 25, 2013

These lies are particularly difficult to defeat because they pull off the perfect con — convincing young people they can feel virtuous without being virtuous. They can feel good while being bad.

Weapons of Mass Destruction: poison gas:
Obama one year ago:

Syria today:
Gas attack kills 1300:
” George Sabra, one of the leading opponents of Assad, said the death toll was 1,300 killed by poison gas released over suburbs east of Damascus.
"Today's crimes are ... not the first time the regime has used chemical weapons. But they constitute a turning point in the regime's operations," he told a news conference in Istanbul. "This time it was for annihilation rather than terror."

Obama on these gas mass murders: Nothing.
Piers Morgan thinks that a gun just got up and shot a person for fun:
Morgan tweets:
” When an innocent Australian student is shot dead in Oklahoma for 'fun' - America's gun crisis becomes the world's problem.”
Unfortunately for Piers, the gun is not charged with murder: the humans were charged instead.
Too funny: Mayor is taxed out of his own home:
Slate lies about Supreme Court action on Voting Rights:
”Hasen aims most of his fire on the state of North Carolina. Although the Tar Heel State as a whole was not a covered jurisdiction under Section 4, many of its counties were, which meant that if the state General Assembly enacted changes to voting laws, they couldn't take effect without the approval of the U.S. Justice Department or a panel of federal judges.

Freed from the strictures of preclearance--and with Republican majorities elected in 2010 and a GOP governor elected in 2012--lawmakers in Raleigh passed a series of changes to the state's voting laws, including an ID requirement, elimination of same-day voter registration and "preregistration" of minors in high schools, and a reduction in the number of days on which early voting is allowed. (Hasen fails to note that last provision is accompanied by an expansion of early-voting sites and hours.)

Hasen describes the new law as "the mother of all voter suppression bills" and asserts that its enactment by North Carolina illustrates, as the subheadline puts it, "why the Voting Rights Act is still necessary."

He thereby commits two logical fallacies: His characterization of the law begs the question by assuming the lawmakers' invidious intent. And his assertion that "the Voting Rights Act is still necessary" is a complex-question (or loaded-question) fallacy.

There is little dispute that the Voting Rights Act is still necessary. There is some question as to whether Section 5 is still necessary, but the court did not address that question. Sections 2 and 3, which allow federal courts to enjoin voting laws and subject states to preclearance after a showing of discrimination were not even under challenge.

The question the court considered was not whether Section 4 was necessary but whether it was proper--whether it was constitutional for Congress to substitute its own judgment for that of lawmakers in (among other places) Raleigh based on a legislative finding of discrimination that hadn't been updated since Richard Nixon was president.”

” Hasen's premise--which Democrats and Republicans seem to agree on--is that what he terms "voter suppression" laws tend to benefit Republicans at the expense of Democrats. Another way of saying that is that loose standards of ballot integrity tend to help Democrats at the expense of Republicans.”
[read it all].
The Washington Post’s smear/”Macaca” Marathon:
Scandal in the Treasury Department:

” In order for Koch Industries or the general public to see the TIGTA report, the IG’s office must refer the case to the Department of Justice for prosecution. If Justice declines to prosecute, all the relevant information remains under lock and key. Critics worry that a highly politicized Justice Department is unlikely to take up cases that have the potential to damage the Obama administration.”

Al Gore compares Warming “Deniers” to racists, homophobes and raging alcoholic fathers:
Objecting to the Democrat Ponzi scheme in Democrat failed cities is “RACIST”.
White flight from Detroit became flight of the Responsibles, including responsible blacks, taking the tax base with them. The lower strata is left with the debt accrued by the Democrat governments. Can blacks only survive when whites are there to support them? Why do they riot, then?

Lies at
” Conservatives, particularly white conservatives, feel a burning urgency to find a racial counterweight to the aftermath of Trayvon Martin’s shooting (including President Obama’s public comments about the incident), a logical response to the argument that things like background checks and an assault weapons ban are appropriate ways to reduce the likelihood of another Sandy Hook-style massacre, and anecdotal justifications for indiscriminate policing of dangerous neighborhoods.”

Racial counterweight? They happen almost every day, but they are never of any concern to the racist Left. Obvious racial killings/assassinations vs. the obvious non-racial incident with Martin trying to kill Zimmerman.

Background checks are already in place and assault weapons are already banned. again:
” But these are hopeless pursuits. The incidents they draw attention to fail by definition to underscore the things they believe. They all require projecting motives or details or both into tragic events, to create false dichotomies between shootings perpetrated by whites and blacks. They have the unhealthy effect of creating dueling tallies of white-on-black and black-on-white crime. And ironically they all tend to underscore the argument that more “stand your ground” laws and more racial profiling are off-point responses to these incidents.”

Assassinations are now “tragic events?” Purposeful murder is just a “tragic event”, with no possible evil motivation? Whereas Zimmerman, while getting his skull beaten in, shoots Martin in order to prevent his own death, is a racially motivated Hate Crime? This requires an expletive: Bull Shit! Leftist Bull Shit!

By the way, "failing by defintion" is to say that anything counter to Leftist inversion is - by definition of the Left - just, well, wrong.

Further, it is not possible to Stand Your Ground when you are shot in the back. It is not possible to Stand Your Ground when you are surprise-assassinated by harmless black youth using flashlights to bludgeon an 88 year old man.

Salon’s lies are just flat evil. This proves it:

” I’ll give West, et al., this: If you ignore motive, circumstance, history and (likely) outcome, then liberals, particularly black liberals, sure seem craven. “

Zimmerman: save his brain from Martin.
Chris Lane Killers: the shooter “Hates Whites”, by his own admission. “Boredom”? Really? That’s not a motive.
Delbert Belton Killers: who knows?
Zimmerman: Self defense.
Chris Lane Killers: opportunity and will to kill.
Delbert Belton Killers: opportunity and will to kill.
Blacks used to be discriminated against, so they are justified in whatever they do. Whites may not interfere in black issues such as black crime and blacks killing whoever. Calling on blacks to deal with their issues honestly is racist; in fact, the mere mention that blacks might not be perfect is racist, while black criticism of ALL whites (except Leftists) as RACIST HATE CRIMES WAITNG TO HAPPEN is just fine and even necessary to keep blacks fearful and beholden to the messiahs.
(Likely) outcome:
This is an absurd category: first, self defense is not a guaranteed action, given that one may be killed before the defense is effective. Second, the likely outcome of assassination is death of the victim.
Here is the crux:
” So let’s review: George Zimmerman wouldn’t have shot Trayvon Martin if he hadn’t been profiling by race. And even if he had been, the shooting feasibly wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t been legally allowed to carry a handgun and didn’t think he was empowered by law to take matters into his own hands. The monstrous killing of Chris Lane has no such back story. The killers apparently had no motive whatsoever, were armed illegally, and certainly weren’t trailing Lane because they believed, based on his race, that he might be a criminal. They are, however, likely to face serious prison time for their crimes. Zimmerman walked.”

The perpetuation of the lie of “profiling” – which cannot be known, but can be asserted without pretense to fact – is racist.

That Zimmerman legally carried a gun is an issue for the Left: no guns, even legally. The last sentence of the article demonstrates that adequately, coming up.

Zimmerman did not take the law into his own hands: he asked the law for assistance, which did not happen.

As far as the killers of Chris Lane having “no motive whatsoever” – how convenient to ignore the Hate Whites tweets of the killer, in favor of no motive whatsoever.

” The kids in Oklahoma weren’t “standing their ground,” and a “stand your ground” law wouldn’t have saved Chris Lane. Neither would a stop-and-frisk regime — the killers were trailing him in a car. “

Blatant admission that the Hate Rants against “stop and frisk” and “stand your ground” do not apply to the crimes in question; even Zimmerman did not use “stand your ground”. But there’s this:

” By contrast, a “stand your ground” environment and a stop-and-frisk mentality were instrumental in Trayvon Martin’s death. Take either away, and there’s a good chance he’d be alive today.”

Neither “mentality” was in play, so this is just false, prejudicial, and Leftist racism.

” Martin in fact personified the statistical folly of stop-and-frisk. If Zimmerman had yielded to real police, they would have, in absence of any suspicious behavior, stopped Martin, frisked him and found only the skittles and iced tea that made his death that much more tragically poignant.”

Zimmerman did not assert “stop and frisk”, and this assertion is outrageously false. He was following Martin and in contact with police.

And here is the Last Gasp for the Leftist NARRATIVE:
” What might well have stopped both killings, though, is making it harder for people, legally or illegally, to come into possession of handguns. That’s a conversation the right is less obsessed with.”

Always: disarm the populace… Always.

But note that Delbert Belton’s assassins DID NOT USE GUNS. They beat him to death with flashlights. Killing happens due to killers. Weapons are everywhere. More and more, so are killers.

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