Saturday, September 28, 2013

Is Global Warming Toast (a la Judith Curry)?

Judith Curry is quoted here:
"Judith Curry, professor and chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, said if the "if the pause continues beyond 15 years (well it already has), they are toast.”

And there is more:

"There have been many reports that have shown how climate models have vastly overestimated "warming." For instance, a study in the journal Nature Climate Change "compared 117 climate predictions made in the 1990's to the actual amount of warming" and 114 of those predictions overestimated the amount of warming. Other studies have found that various climate models used by the United Nations have "forecasted two times more global warming than actually occurred."

After years of having "settled science" (as if there is such a thing) jammed down our throats as the Chicken Littles ran around the world screeching "carbon credits" and "world taxation", it's a welcome respite.


Michael said...

Seriously, the guy wants to get a vasectomy ...because of global warming, that phony pseudo-scientific scam?

This cannot be real.

Steven Satak said...

It is real. Guys like that exist. They get vasectomies because, science.

I am all for natural selection in action - at least in this case. Not because I disagree with him, but because he is such a loosey-goosey man-child, I shudder to think of any child bearing the brunt of his ideas on 'upbringing'.