Saturday, September 28, 2013

Whatever Would We Do?


Steven Satak said...

It has been my experience that there is not, and never has been, a shortage of applicants for any of those particular duties.

warmist said...

Minority part of the minority party can just threaten complete and utter shutdown of the federal government if the majority party -as voted in by the people, to get what they want. No compromise?

Perfect. This is how functioning governance works, Fer sure.

"Government shut" down really means -- we'll keep the aircraft carriers afloat, keep the wars going, keep the spying, keep the corporate handouts, keep the Congressional pay OF COURSE, and all of that stuff. They'll just stop regulating industry, and shut down services people use. Except for services corporations use, as they are the most important kind of person.

And it'll waste billions of dollars.

no name said...

The news in my country described the situation as the Republicans holding the economy hostage.
Looks like the Republicans hate Obama more than they like America.
Interesting, let's see what'll happen,

Stan said...

no name,
The Democrats have overspent the limit. That's all there is to it.

Obama has been on an exponential spending spree, massively increasing the government size, and insisting that all the new government is indispensible.

If your government gets its news from the US mainstream media, then they are getting it from the Democrat political propaganda wing.

If you want to find the ignored news, the untwisted news, then there are other sources, such as NewsMax and instapundit, which are brokers for news sources which contain news items that the MSM buries or distorts.