Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bon Mot...

"Remember: The people telling you a government shutdown is a disaster are the same ones who told you 3 weeks ago that we had to invade Syria."
Jim Treacher


Steven Satak said...

How true. How very true. I wonder... in their arrogance, do any of them believe we still swallow their self-serving lies?

Run, run little chickens. The easier to pluck you when the time comes...

Unknown said...

Maybe they'll find all those weapons of mass destruction that Saddam hid there.

Stan said...

Saddam used the same gas on the Kurds, so we know that he had wmd's. We stupidly gave him plenty of time to move them, and before the invasion there was heavy speculation that all those military trucks going into Syria might be carrying the gas.

Now Syria has plenty of time to do the same thing. Saddam paid for it. Will Assad? I doubt it.