Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Gobal Warming Benefits Economy More Than Obama...

The fearsome global warming has had a benificent effect, apparently.

1 comment:

Michael said...

I don't know where to put this but here you go Stan.

It seems to me that evolutionists are getting more desperate to produce any "evidence" they can to quell growing dissent against their fabrication.

Archeologist #1 "Look, I found a human skull!"
Archeologist #2 "What date should we arbitrarily attach to it?"
Archeologist #1 "Let's go with, mmm, 2 million years-old!"
Archeologist #2 "Yeah, those morons will totally buy it. In addition, we'll use this skull to alter the theory of evolution out of convenience."

Both you and I know that we'll never witness evolution in action because it's a lie.