Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Headline of the Day

CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE ON THE LEFT — BILL AYERS’ BOMBS. Civil disobedience on the right — illicit lawn maintenance at national monuments.


Ex-Republican. said...

I am tried of Republican National Park fetish. Lets totally forget that our National Parks are socialist in nature, but no. "It is an outrage [our plans] that our National Parks are closed for the public. They are making it painful for us [Republicans that closed the government]. Open the government? NEVER! KILL OBAMACARE! [but fund the National Parks because we hate them being closed]"
They'd like to burn a house down but keep the master bedroom, the kitchen and the bath room standing. Hey GOP, here is some news for you: That's not how arson works.
And there you have the problem with the mindset of today's right. All things government are terrible and oppressive and reward leechers unless it benefits me, in which case it's awesome, necessary, and America.
"Give me my parks, but don't make me pay for them."
And "Bill Ayer's Bombs" was more than four decades ago. It's worse than libs bringing up Eric Rudolph or Timothy McVeigh.

Stan said...

hmm. Yes, ex-Republican, the Republicans closed down the government all by themselves. Except that the government is not closed down, is it? Well, never mind that, it certainly is the Republicans' fault that the open air memorials are closed, using extra manpower. And that parking lots to privately owned memorials are closed. And highway pull outs. Stinking Republicans want Obama to GIVE AWAY a full year delay for individual mandates, just like he did for his buddies - how dare they?? No, the WWII vets deserve what they get, after all, they're probably not Democrats because they were patriots and patriots are evil. They probably think that that America is (was, anyway) exceptional.

Yeah, Bill Ayers' influence on the prez is nothing compared to Rudolph and McVeigh's influence. Yepyep. Well they didn't become professors, though - wrong ideas. And they paid for what they did. But that's responsibility for actions, not a part of Obama's worldview. Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrne deserve tenure. Fine Americans.

Yes, the American Right thinks that Constitutional Rights given to the people are not just antique, empty words in a musty dusty piece of parchment, instead of the roadblock to Leftism that it really is. So Obama is right to just ignore all laws that reflect any restraint, constitutionally, and to act unilaterally for more Hope and Change. Just can't get enough of his Hope and Change. What a great man, and a great goal for the USA: Hope and Change!

Man I don't see how you could admit to being a (choke) Republican. In fact, I don't think you ever were.

warmist said...

I’m a bit confused about the Republican position. First they say they’re doing all of this to stop the ACA. Because that position is polling so bad, they’re now saying it’s about the debt. But that still doesn’t make sense because defaulting on our debts will make the debt worse, not better. And since the deficit is dropping, what’s the complaint? Is it simply that the Republicans want to be calling all the shots? That’s what it sounds like.