Thursday, October 24, 2013

Maybe Obama Just Needs To "Communicate Better"?

Headline at Foreign Policy:

Germany, Brazil Turn to U.N. to Restrain American Spies

I love this statement:
""This is an example of the very worst aspects of the Snowden disclosures," a former defense official with deep experience in NATO, told The Cable, referring to former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. "It will be very difficult for the US to dig out of this, although we will over time. The short term costs in credibility and trust are enormous."

So it's not the renegade NSA that is responsible; it is Snowden? It is obvious that the administration has no feeling of culpability for doing these things; they just regret getting called out and caught at it. The sociopathic mindset, if there were still a DSM category for sociopath.

I wonder what kind of software the "best and brightest" are installing into the Obamaware fixes?


Steven Satak said...

Wait... there's officially no such thing as a sociopath? Hell, they're still out there, whatever you call them. Consumate actors and every last one of them an absolute ruthless narcicisst.

Michael said...

A government agency does something wrong and is exposed, but rather than rectify the problem they demonize the whistleblower.

The NSA fears the truth, but then Dracula always did fear the sunlight.