Tuesday, October 29, 2013

OMG: Another Maunder Minimum! Tax Everybody NOW!

The science is settled: Ice cores tell the tale of solar misbehavior in the past, AND explains the pause in warming.

“By looking back at certain isotopes in ice cores, [Lockwood] has been able to determine how active the sun has been over thousands of years,” The BBC reports.” Following analysis of the data, Professor Lockwood believes solar activity is now falling more rapidly than at any time in the last 10,000 years.”

Remember a few years back when the climate modellers claimed that the solar activity had only a tiny effect on the planet? What they need now is a LOT more money, in order to reprogram all their models. OR it might be easier to declare Professor Lockwood to be an AGW Denier, and therefore insane, and just keep their models. Either way, they win, right? Umm Hmmm.

Professor Lockwood responded to my request for his actual position, and his message is posted above. The BBC article was incorrect and prejudicial and did not reflect Professor Lockwood's actual position.


Bryan said...

I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in how the sun effects our climate system. It was very eye opening.

The Neglected Sun: How the Sun Precludes Climate Catastrophe

Martin said...

Again with media sensationalizing...

I'm not sure what this has to do with global warming. No one can predict what the Sun will do, and if it enters a new minimum and we have cooling, then this does not change the fact that we are still pulling carbon out of the ground and putting it into the atmosphere, nor does it change the fact that carbon is a green house gas.

Bryan said...

True, we are still adding Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere. However the question that should be asked is if CO2 = 95% of warming of the earth, or if CO2 = 10% and sun = 90%. (Numbers are just for illustration).

Martin said...

And there it is! Just like I keep saying!

The media distorted what this scientist said in order to make a more sensationalist story.

Stan said...

Hold the phone. You are quoting an advocacy group, funded by the European Climate Foundation, and run by a director who is employed by a subsidiary of the ECF? Why should that be any more reliable than the BBC?

Here's what we need: Where is the direct quote from the professor, unfiltered by journalists? BBC video is blocked to users outside the UK.

Well, I have emailed Professor Lockwood requesting a pointer to his actual comments. This has rarely worked for getting direct information in the past from climatologists - OK, it never has worked. We'll see.

Martin said...

Good point.

I've had good luck emailing philosophy professors, but rarely anyone else. I guess they are lonely. :(

Also, off topic: check your gmail.