Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Approaching Wave

The recent invective from the White House has included the labels of "terrorists", "knives at the throat", and other miscellaneous comparisons to enemies of the state, directed at the intellectual and political opposition to government lawless overspending and debt transfer to future generations.

The invective is not over, even though the Left got what it wanted (an unlimited Gold Card), and the truth is coming out via the empassioned hatred which the Left has for opposition. We are now Domestic Enemies: Enemies of the State. Is it any wonder that they want to import an all new constituency, and to remove weapons however possible? Not to mention ultimately bringing the dollar to valuelessness through inflationary printing by the Fed to support the leftist attack on the "traditionals".


Steven Satak said...

Hmmm. Does anything in 'Rules for Radicals' cover this?

On another, somewhat related note: do the recent attempts by the liberal media to preemptively blame Republicans for the current (and incipient) Obamacare woes count as wishful thinking? I mean really, heads we win, tails we lose. And they think no one will catch on?

I wonder if the progressives are ever going to realize that an electorate that is dumb enough (or arrogant enough; they are the same) to buy this line of malarky will be either unable or unwilling to make Obamacare work.

Of course they realize it, on one level, but we're talking about Will to Power, after all. They'll MAKE it work no matter how long they have to shout and blame. The actual function is someone else's problem.

The progressive elite (and make no mistake, they all consider themselves elites of one sort or another) is so filled with pride that they won't recognize they're falling until they've successfully cut through the branch that supports them.

I will say this again - this is one reason I never bought the premise of the book '1984'.

Steven Satak said...


"Heads they win, tails we lose"


Martin said...

The Left got what it wanted: Heritagecare/Romneycare, the "Republican answer to healthcare."

What a squandered opportunity for conservatives to step and say, "See? Conservative policies are the correct ones, and the liberals are now using conservative policies."

Would have been an incredible boost to the conservative cause. Instead, they oppose their own effing ealthcare plan just so they can oppose their political enemies. I subscribe to The American Conservative email newsletter, and here is the article they recently published:

"Maybe there won’t be a long-term fallout from this, but I tell you, it’s very hard to see entrusting power to a party that behaves this way, that manufactures crises like this for its own short-term political gain. The Republicans, having lost their mind, have destroyed their brand."

Action UK said...

I'm not from the United States so I have a different perspective. American political parties are marketed as representing a singular ideology but in reality contain several different wings. The Democratic Party has a conservative wing and a slightly more liberal wing. The Republican Party has a conservative wing and a reactionary wing. "The Left" did not get what they wanted. The ACA was a compromise. And a big one. When conservatives say the Republicans are destroying their brand they are recognising the rise of the reactionary.

Rikalonius said...

Martin, First and foremost what a state does and the what the federal government does is two different things. Just because "a" Republican supports it, doesn't make it a Republican, or better yet a republican philosophy, nor does it make it a correct philosophy.

Romeny made concessions in Massachusetts because he had no choice (and also because he isn't a conservative, i.e republican politician), not because he supported philosophically the idea of state control health care, which will be an unmitigated disaster.

The Republicans, big R, didn't destroy their brand by opposing yet another giant Federal power grab, they lost it by capitulating consistently to their political enemies, who are also on the opposite side of liberty minded Americans, for as many of those that there are left. As Rush opined rightly, you can't compete with Santa Claus; and that is just what the Democrat party is at the moment. Of course, history has taught us that it is unsustainable, and eventually will lead to a mass exodus of those that can afford it, i.e. those that pay the bills.