Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Untouchables

Headline from DAILYCALLER
Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is executive at company that built Obamacare website
"Toni Townes-Whitley, Princeton class of ’85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company.

Townes-Whitley and her Princeton classmate Michelle Obama are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.


George Schindler, the president for U.S. and Canada of the Canadian-based CGI Group, CGI Federal’s parent company, became an Obama 2012 campaign donor after his company gained the Obamacare website contract.

As reported by the Washington Examiner in early October, the Department of Health and Human Services reviewed only CGI’s bid for the Obamacare account. CGI was one of 16 companies qualified under the Bush administration to provide certain tech services to the federal government. A senior vice president for the company testified this week before The House Committee on Energy and Commerce that four companies submitted bids, but did not name those companies or explain why only CGI’s bid was considered."
And this:
Lawmakers: Sebelius failed at government website projects prior to serving in Obama administration
Obama administration Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ failure at designing websites to provide government services began during her term as governor of Kansas, long before the Obamacare website debacle, Kansas political insiders told The Daily Caller.

Sebelius oversaw numerous costly and disastrous government website projects during her six-year governorship (2003-2009), including a failed update of the Department of Labor’s program to provide unemployment pay and other services and similar updates pertaining to the Department of Administration and the state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) services.


When Brownlee was appointed to head the state’s Department of Labor under new Republican governor Sam Brownback in 2011, she was tasked with cleaning up Sebelius’ technical mess.

“When I walked in the door at Labor [the computer update] was half-done. There were about 240 errors in work-around. It was not functional,” Brownlee said.

“The agency was spending more than $1 million per month on contractors and other things. So as soon as we found out how much was going out per month we had to shut that down. That wasn’t workable,” Brownlee said. “In the private sector, that would never be acceptable."

You can't make this stuff up. Who would believe it?

From Investor's Business Daily:
ObamaCare: More policy cancellations in 3 states than enrollees in all 50

Obama said you can keep your health plan.

From Walter Russell Mead at American Interest:
The Blue Model Needs Wall Street to Survive

Follow the money: From Quantitative Easing to Wall Street to Obama and Blue Cronies for re-election so that Quantitative Easing to Wall Street to Obama and Blue Cronies, etc. continues forever, or until complete collapse, or revolution.

Meanwhile, the Blues promise more and more, the unions grab ahold and give out promises of more and more, but they need high returns... from Wall Street, which gets rich off the huge bundles of cash in high risk investments.

Meanwhile #2, the Fed pumps mo' money into the system, fiat money still wet from the printing press.

Meanwhile #3, Joe Sixpack (me) watches prices go outta sight in the "inflationless" recession. That's just no prob for Wall Street, Obama and Blue Cronies, Union leeches, and the big Banks who own the Fed.

Michele's friend's ObamaCare Company also is in charge of $2billion US Cash for Sandy Relief.
Company behind Obamacare website in charge of nearly $2 billion in Sandy relief


Steven Satak said...

Who the fuck is letting these people do this? I read this and expect someone to blow a goddamn whistle and hustle someone off to white-collar jail. But here it is, and all I can sense is that a lot of powerless folks are angry.

Why are they angry? Because it's a ripoff and the perps have not been brought to justice? Or because they haven't gotten in on a piece of the action.


Stan said...

The Obamas have been getting away with it their whole lives. Their stay in Chicago was riddled with corruption, especially Michelle/Valerie.

Just like the Clintons, the Obamas are golden people, because they preach the Messiah line to the masses, who are willfully ignorant ideologs and/or are proud of their Victimhood and its perqs which the Obamas/Clintons promise them. Those who promise enough can do no wrong.

Stan said...

I should mention that the ObamaCare fiasco involved racism - they just haven't figured out who to blame yet. Probably Bush.

Steven Satak said...

I just looked up 'Valerie'. Just when I thought this could not get worse, I discover we have a 'Rasputin' in the White House.

Thank God their own egos will be their downfall. The trick is to limit the damage they do while they are there.

Are there really that many people in the US who are willing to go along with these crooks in order to get a free lunch? I mean, someone voted for him and got him into office. Are they all that willing to be led to the slaughter? Or do they live in a delusional world where the bills will perpetually be handed to someone else?