Monday, November 18, 2013

Atheists Use Lawsuit Threat to Stop To Drive For Needy Chidren

The Blessings of Atheism, as Susan Jacoby calls it, are targeted at the small fry: schools, small towns, and others who cannot afford the cost of lawsuits. This time the school caved in to the threats.

There is nothing unConstitutional about this program: there is no separation of Church and State in the Constitution or its amendments. There is only one caveat, in the First Amendment: Congress may not pass legislation establishing a state religion. The Atheist warping of that principle is similar to other Atheist definitional warpages. Words mean only what the Atheists want or need them to mean.

Atheists must be proud of their bullying. They offer nothing positive. And that includes Jacoby's "Blessings". But they can beat up the small fry with their threats. They are cheap bullies.


Stephen R said...

That's a pretty broad brush you're painting with there (says this atheist).

I've always distinguished between atheists and anti-theists. The latter is a subset of the former, and it is the latter -- the vocal minority -- that you keep seeing in the news.

Most atheists I know are not militant pains in the ass. I'm pretty live-and-let-live. But then that doesn't make the news....

Stan said...

The problem with your complaint is that there is no discrimination inherent in the masses of Atheists who are militant which agrees that Atheism is split the way you see it.

Atheism is a Void of objective, absolute principles; that void leads to personally derived "morals" and personally invented "logic" processes, which in turn leads to personal conceptions of elitism and arrogance.

Perhaps this does not apply to a portion of the population, but it doesn't matter because the portion of the population to which it does apply is both quite extensive and quite irrational, and a hazard to those who are rational.

By denying absolutes, Atheists virtually guarantee that their mental processes are untethered, ungrounded, and therefore, irrational.

We can discuss this further if you wish.