Monday, November 25, 2013

Both Messiah and Victim

Obama blames his enemies for the ObamaCare roll out problem:
"Inside the five-star hotel, 150 Wall Street CEOs waited.

"The crowd expected the president to deliver a speech filled with reassurances about the problems associated with ObamaCare. Instead, he offered biting partisan rhetoric that tried to blame Republicans for the failures of his signature health-care bill.
The narcissist never has a problem: everyone else is the problem.
"Obama cannot move (nor can his advisers successfully advise) because, so far, he has never convincingly projected himself as a president for everyone, because he is at odds with half of the country's values and traditions.

"As a president, his governing style always has required a bad guy, someone who is “against” him.

"It is a way of operating that his staff has adopted. That is why, when senior staffers such as Pfeiffer are questioned by reporters, their default answers aren't thoughtful or mindful of the office they represent.

"Instead, the answers are laced with bitterness toward the questioners and with disdain for the people who might care about an inconvenient issue.

"Any Main Street mom would pull out the soap to give those staffers' mouths a good scrubbing.
Women fainted at the sight of the Messiah and others had sexual fantasies with him; men had chills run up their legs. Crowds chanted "President For Life"; children sang "Obama, Obama" in schools. With no paper trail whatsoever other than his two autobiographies (but what had he created? What had he done?), with the media praising even the crease in his pants while vilifying the racist opposition, there was no reason for Obama NOT to believe his own Messiahship. After all, he conquered with nothing but his mouth (and his race, of course). So why not believe that he could create with just his mouth, and defeat with just his race? Both of those are, after all, sacred, he is convinced. On these principles the Obama administration was created, has operated, and will fail.

Messiahism has no substance other than parasitism. Parasites only weaken the host; they never strengthen it, because they never contribute to it.


Steven Satak said...

"President for Lie" seems more like it. Jeez, this guy makes Clinton and Carter look like saints. Even they never had the brass balls to go quite this far.

Steven Satak said...

And wouldn't you know it? Yahoo floated a story by a 'professor' who advocated getting rid of term limits on the President.

I kinda assumed that was the next step with Obama, being as he has crossed just about every other boundary.

Stan said...

I saw that, too. There's zero chance of that happening, because the presidential term limit is set by Amendment 22 to the US Constitution, and because it takes 2/3 majority vote in both House and Senate, or 2/3 of state conventions to re-amend the constitution.

Also, any amendment process would wind up being a game of add-in clauses for special interests, which would wreak havoc and stop any voting in favor. Politics is too poisoned right now to reach any consensus on anything. Today's Democrats (Reid/Pelosi/Obama are certifiably insane in the sense that they cannot tell the difference between truth and lies. This is the insanity which attaches to the Nietzschean anti-rationality of Consequentialism.

Steven Satak said...

Today's Democrats are a perfect example of why I don't take the novel '1984' seriously. By the time they get that rotten, they're far too rotten to hold it together.

Orwell's book is, to me, a novel-length forced dilemma. Like the co-existence of the Irresistable Force and the Immovable object, you can SAY they coexist, but as they cancel each other out in paradox, you end up with nothing.

Stan said...

Under Obama, numerous "unthinkable" things have occurred, such as our own government providing weapons to drug lords in Mexico, persecution of opposing political organizations by government bureaucracies, governmental capture of all conversations and messages, weapons for virtually all governmental agencies, the governmental murder of American citizens without trial, a president bragging about his ability to kill, government persecution of whistleblowers, refusal to enforce certain laws, creating law by executive fiat… on and on. All the elements are there; only the degree needs to change somewhat in order to accomplish total control.

The creation of enforced perpetual incompetence (Communism) was created by force in nations which never had citizen freedom. In the USA and democratic nations, the frog-in-the-pot graduality has been ongoing for a century, as predicted by D’Toqueville (“Democracy In America”).

All it would take would be a crisis “requiring” distribution of enforcement throughout the USA, and it would be complete.

Right now, Obama has free rein over the executive branch with no accountability whatsoever. The Benghazi clamp down on witnesses demonstrates the impenetrable opaqueness of the operation of the (huge) government which now invades all aspects of our lives.