Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Combat Your Robot Overlords


Steven Satak said...

What if our prospective robot overlords have their own blog devoted to avoiding the burden of rebuttal? What then?

blank said...
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yonose said...


You beat me to it long long time...

Yeah, I had some sense of deja vu when seeing this.

@Steven Satak,

This is one of the main reasons why wars happen among us, humankind.

Extending it to humanly-created AI could be plausible, only if, such fantasy as the trans-humanist "singularity" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy in the AI department. But at the same time, they already know there's no need to imitate every aspect of humanly traits. That self-fulfilling prophecy becomes a lie, and then, it is used as a mean for an end.

Kind Regards.