Friday, November 1, 2013

Quote of the Day

"Just when you thought the leadership of this government could not get any worse, it does. Never in history has an administration spawned another scandal to cover the current one."
Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, "The elite and their hatred of America" at

Yet 42% of Americans are still Obamabots.


Martin said...


It's supposed to be thesis + antithesis = synthesis.

But when thesis despises antithesis with a burning hatred and vice versa, then the dialectic is prevented from occurring and the system grinds to a halt. Literally.

Something is wrong.

Russell said...

The Obamabots sure seem to hate America, too. Religiously, at that.

Stan said...

Synthesis is the Progressive tactic for dragging every along its path to the ultimate Progressive utopia.

Refusal to be dragged is a sign of backbone, whereas synthesis is a sign of weakness and willingness to forego principles in order to placate the Progressive.

That's why I despise the current Republican hierarchy (especially McCain). They are actually anxious to give way to their opposition, and hold the door open for them. In other words, they are moral cowards. Or they are trojan horses for the Left, fighting for the Left inside the Republican Party.

Martin said...

Synthesis is the compromise between Dems and Repubs. That is the way our government works. One acts as a check and balance against the other. The compromise between the two is the synthesis.

When both thesis and antithesis hate each other, no dialectic occurs and the system is broken. Kaput.

Stan said...

It is compromise - synthesis - that got us to this point of lawless government. The governent has been corrupted by synthesis, which is compromise away from Constitutional principles. The government was set up to run on principles, not on synthesis.

It is because of irrational Leftism that the two party system is necessary: one to assault the principles and one to protect from the assault on those principles.

The compromise/synthesis - which breaks those principles and leads constantly toward the complete inversion of those principles - is in essence lawlessness, and the establishment of lawlessness as the basis of governmental functioning.

Either a principle is fixed or it does not exist. Synthesis is the agreement that there are no principles.

The Left has corrupted the voter, too; the voter has been maleducated to believe in its perpetual Victimhood and that the Left is the Messiah bearing perpetual largesse. This has occured due to the loss of principled education via the federal education programs which produce unions and dogma rather than intelligent autodidacts.

By owning the voter, the Left has put themselves into a position of perpetual lawlessness, where synthesis is required only in the House of Representatives, which currently is in rebellion.

This is precisely what Alexis De Toqueville predicted in "Democracy in America", nearly 200 years ago.

Shutting the government down completely is preferable to allowing a totally lawless government to have complete control, which is the intent of the immigration bills being drafted to give the Left more votes by the millions.