Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thought Police at Work

UC Berkely Student Government Bans the Term "Illegal Immigrant".
The term is racist in the opinon of the students.

That means that they claim, at least implicitly, that there are certain races/cultures involved in immigrating illegally. Of course, now that referring to them in terms of their legal status is deemed racist, there is no other way to refer to them without isolating them, racially and or culturally, under the assumption that only certain races or cultures actually commit these criminal acts. So from a semantic standpoint, the Ill-g-l Imm*gr*nts do not even exist, and cannot be referred to in any cogent fashion; referring to them at all would be an act of racism.

In fact, however, the term refers to no specific race or culture. Ir refers opaquely to any human from any or all cultures, of any or all races which has violated the immigration laws of this nation by entering without permission, legal documentation, or acknowledging their presence to the immigration authorities. Thus they have obviously immigrated illegally. So the original term fits all humans who have performed this criminal act regardless of race or culture, and is not in the least discriminatory.

But this is Berkely, of course, where sanity is secondary, at best. Narrative tops rationality every time in leftist world.


Michael said...

All attempts to control speech through fear and propaganda are examples of Orwellian Newspeak so as to indirectly control how people think. They're doing the same thing with opposition to Abortion being labeled sexist, if not extremist. Of course that's illogical on its face because many women also oppose abortion, but then we're not dealing with reasonable people, we're dealing with deranged socialist-extremists who desperately want control over everyone's life. It's to the point where they now want death panels who can decide whether certain people live or die.

Michael said...

The 'A' in abortion should be lower-case. My mistake.

Frankly, I should've just called it murder, because it is.

Stan said...

I have taken to calling it "killing one's progeny".

Steven Satak said...

Who in the real world cares what the hell Berkely students think? They are there to learn, not tell the rest of us what to think. And do.

Modern edumacation. What will they think of next?