Sunday, December 8, 2013

Abortion and Increased Risk for Breast Cancer; a Meta-Analysis in Chinese Women

The reputed connection between breast cancer and abortion has been verified by a meta-study done in China by the University of Tianjin, and reported by the US NIH on Nov 24, '13. The results show a 44% increase in risk for breast cancer for those women who had one abortion, 76% for women who had two abortions, and 89% for women who had three abortions.

Interestingly, so far only one US major newspaper has carried this information. Could it be that for the Left, the fact of abortion is more important than "women's health"? Or perhaps the "privacy" mantra extends to malevolent health side effects of abortion than must not be recognized? Or perhaps it is involved with having sex without the evil side effects of having babies, as Obama has said.

At any rate, the sanctity of killing one's progeny will continue for at least a while, regardless of the carnage.


Rikalonius said...

I made mention of earlier studies at work one day. This was a big mistake. A woman who worked there flipped out and started screaming at me about what a horrible human being as was. I was pretty convinced she had had an abortion at this point, but she later admitted to it. Ten years later she recently had a mastectomy.

Steven Satak said...

Would it kill ya to include WHY they think these things are linked? Probable cause is great, but what are the mechanics of the thing? Jealous boobs?

Stan said...

The meta-study merely looks at existing data to find correlations, and doesn't assign specific cause.

It's been difficult enough to get an admission that there could be a downside to abortion for the female (never to mention the killed human of course). The existing evidence of mental problems is not enough, and is ridiculed. So this evidence is a breakthrough - breaking through the political/Leftist narrative enough to garner the attention which the issue requires. Only with this type of evidence can the issue of causation even begin to be addressed.

Rikalonius said...


I can't back any of the following with medical evidence, I'm not a doctor, but I would speculate that when you are pregnant, your breasts are changing to accommodate the child. In a miscarriage, the body rejects the fetus and therefor naturally expunges it and the body adjusts naturally. However, when you abort, the pregnancy system is stopped violently and prematurely leaving cancer susceptible hormones that would have been naturally matured through the full term of the pregnancy.