Thursday, December 19, 2013

GayStorm: Homosexuals Jackboot Duck Dynasty

I have never seen a single episode or even a fragment of Duck Dynasty. (We don't have cable or satellite). But it is just not possible not to know about the phenomenon that is Duck Dynasty and Phil.

Now Phil is exiled from the show because he gave a magazine his opinion on homosexuality.

One does not air any opinion which is contrary to homosexuality. Homosexuality is officially sanctioned with Hate Crime laws (thought crimes), and homosexual speech is protected under the First Amendment. And what homosexual speech amounts to is that all criticism must be quashed and destroyed, and that only their opinion is protected speech. They OWN the First Amendment.

The fact that A&E has previously censored the speech on Duck Dynasty, and now has banished one of the family, will be seen as the result of totalitarian Leftist control of the media. Viewers apparently are good with the Christian nature of the family. And the huge number of viewers can still exert their own influence too, if only economically. The screaming homosexual jackboots will be seen for what they are: destroyers of any opposition.

I hope that there will be economic sanctions against A&E in the form of boycotts of the channel and its advertisers. Even when anti-moral dictators are in charge, financial havoc will trump their dictator tendencies. The homosexual jackboots and their Leftist messiah/victim codependent relationship are still likely in the minority, and there is no real economic benefit to following their dictates. We'll see how this plays out.

It's interesting because of the high visibility of this particular homosexual censorship attack. A year ago it was the war on FRC and Chik Fil A (I've never been in one), with vandalism and smears by false association, and the resultant shooting inside FRC. (Homosexuals: no problem there.)

We'll see what hysteria the homosexuals can drum up for this issue.

A massive boycott is launched; at the moment over 750,000 have signed in the past 24 hours.


Arkansan Rain said...

Great publicity stunt.

Steven Satak said...

@AR: Yeah? Proof, please? Meanwhile, I signed the petition. What did you do?

Michael said...

Update: The Facebook petition to boycott A&E has already surpassed 1.3 million likes.