Friday, December 6, 2013

Hiatus Interruptus

I will be using the blog only sporadically for the next month (*), partially due to the busyness of the season, partly because I am so far behind in my reading that I need to concentrate on getting it done. Here are a few of the books which I have not read, or read only partially, and which rise to the top of the "unread" pile:

In no particular order (since I tend to read them all simultaneously):
The Higgs Fake; Unziker. (half read)
Higgs; Baggot.
Higgs Discovery; Randall.
The Trouble With Physics; Smolin. (half read)
A Manual For Creating Atheists; Boghossian.
The Death of the Grown Up; West.
Pure; Anderson. (half read)
The Art of Making Sense; Ruby. (one of my favorite logic authors: half a century ago)
The Anthropic Cosmological Principle; Barrow and Tipler. (partially read)
Philosophy of mind; Jaworski. (partially read)
Chesterton, Collected Works, Vol 2. (Partially read)
The Outer Limits of Reason; Yanofski. (partially read)
Information and the Nature of Reality; Davies and Gregersen.
Information Theory, Evolution, and the Origin of Life; Yockey. (Started, nearly up to "the central dogma of molecular biology).
Mind and Cosmos; Nagel. (half read, this book caused an uproar amongst the faithful materialists - I need to finish it).
A decade ago I read three books a week, mostly philosophy and logic texts. I was obsessed with completing my education, and forming a rational basis for a valid worldview. Now, I find that my new worldview is validated by virtually everything I read, regardless of the source. Still, education never stops, and knowledge is never complete - much less access to truth (which must be inferred from deductions).

It's a fascinating intellectual life, and my real life tends to get in the way.

Today, for example, we have snow and frozen livestock waterers, so I have to get suited up and get with the program.

(*)I might get sucked into an interesting conversation, should one arise.


Martin said...

Don't forget Feser's The Last Superstition.

Also, since you mention Boghossian:

Stan said...

Just finished your article re: Boghossian - excellect article! Well, right up to the part about us Suth'n boys. Some of us have thoughts every now and then.

But seriously, the article is clear, concise and informative. Boghossian has taken the cheap approach to addressing his own caricaturish vision of theism: If you are not an Atheist, then you are stupid. One headline is "Believing the Preposterous": i.e. Poisoning the Well.

The problem is not his own ignorance and irrationality, it is the ignorance and irrationality which is embedded in today's culture, via mal-education and the media. (And not just in the South, either: it's a Blue disease).