Friday, December 20, 2013

Homosexuals, Ducks and the Culture War

A perception from Brian Preston:
"The lesson of Phil Robertson suggests that once the marriage battle is won, groups like the Human Rights Campaign and GLAAD will simply move on to a new battlefield. They will not stop. They do not exist to stop. They exist to keep on pushing. The next battlefield may well be codifying the idea they expressed last night, that quoting mainstream Christian beliefs that have been in place for a couple thousand years amounts to hate speech that should be banned.
It has been pointed out elsewhere that no officially designated oppressed minority has ever been normalized and released from that designation. It is obviously to their advantage to always be considered "victims" even as they persecute others so overtly.

The original thrust of homosexual agendas was to eliminate the mental, and then moral considerations of their behaviors. Next came legalization, and then came the new morality which equillibrated homosexuality with remaining perceptions of secular morals. Now the new morality with which the homosexual community has endowed itself trumps all preceding morals; homosexuality is the apogee of morality, and dissent is to be punished quickly and severely.

There is no doubt that the secular, AtheoLeftist new morality is anti-tolerant of all dissent, and is totalitarian. It is a direct consequence of the rejection of objective morals in order to install their own creations, which are not morals at all, but merely anti-moral, pagan turpitude which they redefine as "moral". That's exactly why they scream irrationally when objective morality is placed into the marketplace in competition with their amoral libertinism.

When amoral libertinism is declared the preeiminent social morality, and objective moral values are attacked as "immoral", then the direction of society has flipped 180 degrees; rather than consolidation of culture into a cohesive, viable structure, culture is fragmented and cohesion is destroyed. This is especially obvious since libertinism has no cohesive theory upon which it is based and upon which unity of morality can be based. The concept of total amorality except for dissent is a diktat, not a moral unification.

The morality of no-morals cannot be constructive. It is just rot at the center of a decaying society.


Robert Coble said...

Alinsky's Rules for Radicals at work.

For a rather concise summary of the process:

It appears that Alinsky was a devoted student of Nietzsche (as was Adolph Hitler and other notables, like Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama). The Will To Power and the Anti-Rationalism seem obvious. Given no objective morality, power is the only thing left for the AtheoLeftist to pursue, to avoid the possibility that anyone else might counter the agenda.

Al said...

I blame the dumbing down of education on people like Ellery Schempp. He was a pioneer of trolling...

Nathanael said...

Over at the WSJ, blogger Eric Sasson, in an utterly fact-free rant, spews invective and vitriol all over Robertson's words (though, curiously, without ever once actually quoting them) before closing with the mother of all hypocrisies:

"there’s only one place left for the homophobes—and that’s for them to remain in the closet."

Rather than seize the moral high-ground in the debate by demonstrating just a bit of the tolerance he thinks is his due, Sasson lays bare his real intentions: shoving his enemies into the very closet homosexuals just crawled out of and throwing away the key.

Michael said...

Nathanael, the militant progressives are desperate to smear, discredit and ruin anyone who dares voice an opinion they don't agree with. Their real target is Christianity, i.e. the source of Pat Robertson's views, even if he did speak somewhat crudely about genitals. The militant progressives preach tolerance while demonstrating none of it themselves. Thankfully people are fed up and the blowback against GLAAD, A&E and the mainsteam has been unprecedented.

Small wonder the mainstream news' ratings are in the trash. Nobody wants to listen to these anti-Americans spew their brand of hatred for Christianity and complete disregard for the Constitution, attempting to turn society into an immoral cesspool. As if I'd ever let some talking head dictate what I'm allowed to think. Keep dreaming.