Saturday, December 21, 2013

Leftist Targeting Calculus Explained

Baldilocks explains:
"Or geometry or algebra or whatever. From last year.

"In Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel has told Chick-fil-A that the fast-food company is not welcome in his town because "Chick-fil-A’s values are not Chicago values." In other words, because Chick-fil-A ownership believes in traditional marriage, it shouldn't bother opening up shop in Chicago.

But Emanuel is welcoming Louis Farrakhan, who is against same-sex marriage and who blasted President Obama two months ago for endorsing the practice.
Of course.

"Rahm Emanuel--like his Leftist siblings-in-arms at A&E--gets told who to denounce and who not to. (I would guess that, after a while, one would get a feel for whom to target.) Chik-fil-A? Duck Dynasty Stars? Fair game, no pun intended.

Nation of Islam? Fugedaboutit, especially if the potential denouncer is the mayor of Chicago; he knows who to slime and who not to. But even if we weren’t talking about Rahm Emanuel, the target is a double no-no for the Left: black and Muslim. The combination of the two politically protected groupings beats out the single group—homosexuals. In addition, all Muslim public figures are off limits. Therefore, Emanuel will continue to ignore Louis Farrakhan.

This isn’t difficult."
It's not evil if the Left does it; the Left has only Consequentialist morals: it is immoral only if it fails to acheive the objective.

From Brian Preston:
"As a self-made and confident multimillionaire who understand the purpose behind his fame, Phil Robertson doesn’t need Duck Dynasty or A&E. As one channel in a vast empire made mostly impervious to any particular show’s collapse due to channel bundling, A&E may not need Phil Robertson. But the courts may need to rule on where tolerance begins and ends. In recent rulings, courts have found that Christian photographers and cake bakers cannot turn down gay weddings for any reason. But A&E can suspend Robertson, effectively turning him down for doing business with the network. The photographers, cake bakers and A&E have weighed in on the culture wars — essentially on the same side, though they’re taking opposite positions on the issue at hand. The photographers, bakers and A&E assert the right to decline to do business with someone over their personal beliefs. I happen to believe that they all do have that right, but courts have ruled that the photographers and bakers do not.

Who is right?

Perhaps Phil Robertson should sue A&E. He has the money to hire the best legal representation available. Suing A&E would be clarifying. Courts have recently clouded the freedom of association, mandating that wedding cake bakers and photographers cannot choose whom they associate with. If they can’t, why can A&E? If A&E can, why can’t the bakers and photographers? Is tolerance just a one-way street now? And if it’s a one-way street, is it really tolerance at all?"


Michael said...

Militant liberals pushed for anti-discrimination laws in order to practice discrimination against Christians.

Chik-Fil-A was also discriminated against in Mass (Boston if I'm not mistaken). Doesn't this constitute state-practiced discrimination, a violation of the owner's Constitutional rights? Who the hell does Rahm Emanuel think he is to dictate which businesses meet his skewed moral approval? The citizens of Chicago should band together and throw this tyrant out.

Rikalonius said...

Boston mayor Thomas "Mumbles" Menino was forced to apologize for his proclamations. Not just because it was illegal to advocate what he was advocating, but because it was quickly coming to light how he'd be instrumental in giving the Islamic Society of Boston 1.8 million dollars in land. He was at the ribbon cutting of their Mosque even though Imam and financier Jusef al-Qaradawi had made the following comment about homosexuals:

"A homosexual should be given the same punishment as any sexual pervert  . . . Some say we should throw them from a high place, like God did with the people of Sodom. Some say we should burn them. The punishment of homosexuality is the death penalty.”

Michael said...

Disturbing and suspicious behavior coming from these supposed public representatives. Thanks for the info.

Michael said...

Stan, no doubt you're kept abreast on news but I thought this was noteworthy.

Bloomberg is championing micro-housing. Can you say communism?!

Yeah, I'd like to see Bloomberg and his constituents give up their lavish lifestyles to live in one of these. But no, these are designed for his would-be subjects.