Sunday, December 22, 2013

Obama's Change: Global Hazards of His Own Making

The Left is fond of rewriting history to suit the needs of the Leftist narrative. Actual history is generally of little interest, and of course, "those who cannot remember history are condemned to repeat it" (Santayana). The combination of Obama's policy of weakening America, offending and betraying our allies, while allowing his own humiliation by our enemies as Putin had to rescue him from the Syrian disaster of his own personal making, not to mention his dithering in the middle east which is now much less stable - all have led to the comparison of Obama's New America to the situation which existed prior to WWI.

Whether there is a direct comparison which is possible, it is certain that the weakening of the USA in the eyes of both allies and enemies, and the new instability both home and abroad, lends some credulity to the idea.

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