Saturday, December 21, 2013

Racist Ducks and the NAACP

Duck Dynasty's Phil has offended the black version of messiahism. The NAACP has issued this statement about Phil's youth:
"We want to be clear why Phil Robertson’s remarks are not just dangerous but also inaccurate. Mr. Robertson claims that, from what he saw, African Americans were happier under Jim Crow. What he didn’t see were lynching and beatings of black men and women for attempting to vote or simply walking down the street. And his offensive claims about gay people fly in the face of science. In fact, it’s important to note that every single leading medical organization in the country has said that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being [lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender] -- it’s not a choice, and to suggest otherwise is dangerous.
Innacurate? Dangerous? Here's what Phil actually said:
"I never, with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person," Robertson claims. "Not once. Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotten with them. I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash."
He adds, "They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone white people'—not a word!... Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one was singing the blues."
According to the NAACP it is inaccurate to claim that any black was happy back in Phil's youth. It's just not possible, because some blacks were lynched or beaten. Really, in the 1950's and 60's there was so much lynching and beating going on that blacks huddled in fear? No black was happy? What the NAACP is actually referring to is its necessary selective memory and the requirement of that specific selective memory to be incorporated into the narrative which they create and upon which they depend for their continued existence.

And it is dangerous. Yes, experiences such as Phil's coexistence with blacks hoeing cotton together cannot be allowed access by the public. Why? Because allowing those contrary experiences to air publicly is dangerous to the RACISM OF ALL WHITES narrative. That narrative must be preserved. Any attempt which appears to remove victimhood from the current narrative is an attack on the messiahs, those who wish to perpetuate the caricature of white racist oppression and the perpetual and complete victimhood of blacks.

Most interesting is the NAACP's greedy attachment to the homosexual hype, as if the blacks no longer have enough force remaining in the "racism" charge and must pigtail themselves onto the more powerful homosexual lobby. It's actually rather pitiful.


Michael said...

I suspect that this is a desperation tactic due to the unexpected reprisal by the public against the militant PC police. The progressives are not getting their way, so they're moving the goal post.

Arkansan Rain said...

Or it's a publicity stunt and they'll be back with higher ratings than ever. People will continue to watch and laugh at the stereotype as Southerners as ignorant and dirty.

Stan said...

Is that why people watch it? Are you certain of that? Maybe there's a survey you could point to?

I have never seen it, so it don't know if it is self-parodying, or just good fun as many claim.

I doubt that the GLAAD and NAACP were in on any stunt - maybe they just fell for it? Or maybe it just demonstrated how stupid they are.

Steven Satak said...

@AR: There are several places on the Web where you can find a list of the reasons why people like to watch Duck Dynasty. I don't watch it, but having read the lists, I can see why other folks do. In huge numbers, I might add, far beyond anything seen by 'Honey Boo-Boo' and her ilk.

Michael said...

Either way, this fiasco really brought out the majority's opposition to the gay agenda and the PC bullies in the media.