Saturday, December 14, 2013

Where are there never, ever any mass shootings?

The following article is almost tautological: "You Never See Mass Shootings At Gun Shows, Tea Party Rallies, Or NRA Meetings"
I also think that there is a common thread clearly able to be seen here. These sorts of criminals and nutjobs who like to commit mass murder are picking places that liberals have deemed, arbitrarily of course, to be safe. You know, like Gun Free School Zones? Yeah, ask the parents of those dead children in Newtown, Connecticut how that worked out for them.

If you are not protected against psychos, then you are just a potential victim. That's why Obama's children go to a school with armed protection, as opposed to the victimizable public schools which are not protected. It's also why concealed carry licenses have mushroomed.

In other news, the Arapahoe High gunman was a Leftie. Watch for the media outrage... silence.


Robert Coble said...

My dad only had an eighth grade education, but he was an autodidact farmer who studied and thought a lot. One of his tidbits of wisdom concerned traffic lights. He said, "Don't ever believe that the red light will stop a 3,000 lbs. car."

The declaration of "Gun Free" zones follows a similar illogic. If we just pass a law and put up signs around specially designated areas, why, nothing bad will happen. Except that the bad guys don't give a rat's behind about laws and signs, which will NOT deter them from committing crimes.

We advocate defensive driving for a good reason: we cannot count on every person behind the wheel of a vehicle to follow the law and the traffic signs. That is deemed "common sense," generally.

Concealed carry at least allows the citizenry to be defensive in unpredictable situations and locations. Is it an ideal solution? In a word, NO. Since we don't live in utopia (yet), it is better to be prepared than it is to be unpleasantly surprised.

And you can forget those Wild West scenarios where everybody is gunning for everyone else. It provides dramatic content for movies but is seldom seen in real life for a very good reason: if everybody is armed, the bad guy faces considerable odds of making it out of the scenario alive.

There is a very good reason that the Japanese are so excessively polite. For hundreds of years, the commoners (that would be people like you and me) were unarmed. Any armed samurai could (for any reason, or NO reason) cut down a commoner at any time. Under those circumstances, excessive politeness became a civic virtue.

K-'E-A said...

"Pierson was a dedicated, bright student from a religious family that attends Bible study meetings."

More theists on the rampage!

Stan said...

Nice try. He was a Leftist. That's how his friends described him; not as a theist. His opinions had no apparent theism to them. Except for Islamists, all shooters have been either insane, Leftist, or both.

Stan said...

"He was friendly enough. Very proud of being a socialist. He was very outspoken on his political views," student Angie Mock said. "To him, it just meant economic -- more economic equality."


As students were returning to the school to retrieve their vehicles on Saturday, one described Mr. Pierson, a senior, as an outspoken proponent of political views that were unpopular with others at the school. Chris Davis, an 18-year-old senior, recalled Mr. Pierson once wore a shirt emblazoned with the letters U.S.S.R. and described himself as a communist."

bEEarcub said...

" Except for Islamists, all shooters have been either insane, Leftist, or both. "

Jesus, so the right-wingers don't count because your think they are insane?

Michael said...

I read that some news reporters are intentionally omitting the shooter's political leanings (socialist), because it's 'irrelevant.' Now if it had been, say, someone with conservative political leanings, they'd microanalyze this aspect along with their usual Alinsky-esque spin tactics. That most mass shootings over the last decade were perpetrated by liberals conflicts with their agenda to defame the pro-2nd Am side by any means necessary.

Stan said...

Name one. Or better still, name them all, with data. Start with the Tea Party Members, and NRA members.

Jesus is Lord said...

bEEarcub, here is proof from a hyper-left source that Lanza was not in the NRA.

The NRA certificates were just from gun training. Not members. Don't even think of putting Lanza on list.