Thursday, December 19, 2013

When A Messiah Fails

Barack Obama was thought to be able to bring on an all new world with just his lovablity, with the mere sound of his voice. Women fainted at his sight. Other women openly fantasized about sex with him. Many thought that he would pay their mortgages. He said he would stop the seas from rising. The youth vote swooned.

He was coronated amidst calls for his presidency for life, and he declared that he was "ready to rule". At first he was on television daily with almost constant press conferences. At the first conference he declared the most transparent administration in history... and then he went into a closed door meeting with his staff. His first action was to deny DC black children their previous opportunity to attend better schools. True believers were silent; he was the MESSIAH.

Barabra Walters has admitted to her original folly: We thought he was goint to be... the next messiah.

Obama has reportedly been emotionally melting down, not due to the acknowledgment of his failures - his scandal list is monstrous, and he has not taken steps to stop them - but because now "nobody loves me". His mere appearance no longer sends thrills up anyone's leg; the crease of his pants no longer dazzles anyone; women no longer faint in his presence; even his lock on the media and late night comedians has been broken. His personal messiahship has evaporated.
If the political figure who used the Internet with brilliant efficiency and to remarkable effect couldn't produce a simple website to perform what the president said was a simple procedure, then how would Washington handle the more difficult task of insuring good care for the sick when lives were at stake?
According to unnamed internal sources,
"AS his popularity plummets to historic lows and his presidential legacy is in tatters, BARACK OBAMA has suffered a shocking secret meltdown.

White House insiders say the deeply depressed Commander-in-Chief is hardly eating or sleeping, hasn’t talked to First Lady Michelle, 49, in weeks and is convinced everyone hates him!

“Barack is shattered that his presidency and his life are in free-fall,” says a source.

“He can’t believe the American public has turned on him so viciously, mainly because of the Obamacare disaster. No one has been able to help him.

“Michelle has tried everything she can to comfort him, but he just snaps, ‘Go away. Leave me alone.’

“Barack watches news reports, reads the papers and sees the shocking poll results – and he loses it.

“When he saw one report that his approval rating had plummeted to a staggeringly low 37 percent, he had a total meltdown.

“He buried his head in his hands, saying, ‘Everybody hates me.’ When he raised his head, his eyes were glistening with tears.

“He’s lost the confidence and affection of the public that he so desperately needs to go on with the hardest job in the world.

A recent CBS poll said the 52-year-old President has a lower job approval rating than Toronto Mayor Rob Ford – who admitted to smoking crack and is still five points HIGHER than Obama!

“That was the last straw for Barack,” says the insider. “He was mortified and humiliated.”

Obama is now off to Hawaii on another vacation, this one for 17 days. Will that help heal him? Do messiahs need to heal?
"Ending up in time-out at 52 for the first time in your life is not just difficult. It’s unendurable. He can’t cope with it and he will find excuses, probably excuses that make him a martyr of undeserved failure/reproach.

The fault of course lies in those who deluded themselves into seeing in this non-entity the Light Bringer: academics, political operatives and most of all what used to be the free press of the United States of America. What use is it to be free from governmental control when you will sell your ability to think for a mess of coolness?
This is about much more than just Obama. It is about the failure of the Blue Model of classism and class warfare: Messiahism/Victimhood/Oppressor theories of top-down salvation of the morally and intellectually inferior herd, by their superiors, the Left.


Robert Coble said...

Walters said, "Well, you've touched on it to a degree. He made so many promises. We thought that he was going to be — I shouldn't say this at Christmastime, but — the next messiah."


A post-modern progressive Atheo-Leftist Messiah?!? A MESSIAH, of all things?!?

Aren't these the same folks who poke fun at the dumb masses "who cling bitterly to their guns and Bibles"? Aren't these the folks who have "progressed" beyond any need for gods to "save" them? Aren't these the self-appointed, self-anointed "apostles of reason"?

Isn't it "touching" that the Narcissist-In-Chief makes it all about himself and his hurt feelings (aka sinking poll numbers), rather than about the very real suffering caused to vast numbers of people as a result of his signature program?

Der Führer has no clothes.

Al said...

Is this slowly the reckoning of the Blue state control in the west? Are we witnessing this in real time?

Steven Satak said...

I would not put too much credence in this particular report. The National Equirer is not exactly the most reliable of journalistic sources, and since I ignore them when they pump the POTUS, I ignore 'em when they run him down, too.

The man stands or falls on his record, which we don't need the Enquirer in order to see.