Tuesday, January 28, 2014

An Essay By John C. Wright

I heartily recommend this essay by John C. Wright. He had an epiphany which led him to conclusions similar to mine, but along somewhat different paths. As I read it, I saw that almost every sentence is quotable, being written with both insight and a clarity which demands immediacy in the apprehension of its truth value. I differ in some - minute and inconsequential - regards; but the overall effect of this essay is remarkable.

H.T. Vox Day

1 comment:

Tjay said...

Nice essay,Stan.i haven't read it compleltely yet but I loike this part especially:
Being without a sense of the objective nature of reality, they are without a belief in objective morals. Being without a belief in objective morals, they lack honor, and, lacking honor, they lack courage, lack decency, lack courtesy.

Pretty much sums up the Materialist's virtues or lack their of.