Saturday, January 25, 2014

Campus as Rape Culture

Cathy Young on Campus Rape and the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault:
"Wednesday's announcement of a White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault is the culmination of the Obama Administration's years-long efforts in support for the feminist crusade against campus rape. It is too early to tell what new remedies for sexual assault on campus the task force will propose. So far, however, the initiative relies on the same old approach: wildly inflated numbers, the rhetoric of female victimhood, and complete disregard for any rights that the accused may have.

The report from the White House Council on Women and Girls, "Rape and Sexual Assault: A Renewed Call to Action," asserts that one in five female college students are sexually assaulted during their college years, with one 12% of these victims reporting the assault to law enforcement. These figures draw on the Campus Sexual Assault Study, conducted in 2005-2007 at the request of the National Institute for Justice, and a 2007 federally sponsored national study of rape from the National Crime Victims' Research and Treatment Center.

I analyzed the CSA and its numbers nearly three years ago when the administration launched its first initiative to combat campus sexual assault in April 2011, with the "Dear Colleague" letter to college and university presidents from the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights. The vast majority of the incidents counted as assault involved what the study termed "incapacitation" by alcohol (or, rarely, drugs). But "incapacitation" is a misleading term, since the question used in the study also measured far lower degrees of intoxication: "Has someone had sexual contact with you when you were unable to provide consent or stop what was happening because you were passed out, drugged, drunk, incapacitated, or asleep?" This wording does not differentiate between someone who is unconscious or barely conscious and someone who is just drunk enough to go along with something he or she wouldn't do when sober. The questions related to sexual assault by physical force--particularly attempted sexual assault--are also worded so ambiguously that they could refer to a clumsy attempt to initiate sex, even if the "attacker" stops at once when rebuffed.

Three quarters of the female students who were classified as victims of sexual assault by incapacitation did not believe they had been raped; even when only incidents involving penetration were counted, nearly two-thirds did not call it rape. Two-thirds did not report the incident to the authorities because they didn't think it was serious enough."
In an atmosphere where everything which emanates from the government is a lie designed either to protect an ideology or to hide previous lies and scandals, it is not difficult to write off this "report" as a trivial exercise in propaganda. However, it is necessary to know the truth about campus rape and how to stop it. The problem is twofold: First, there is no possible way to trust the data in a cultural/governmental environment where there is no truth; second, the protection of women takes the form of demonizing men and nothing else - women are in general pre-victims in these situations where they are not self-protected adequately, and under the Left, they will remain that way.

The Left is fully responsible for both cases. They have removed all truth from society and are well into reverting it into barbarism. And they scream and sneer at the self-protection of women, recommending instead that they submit passively in order not to upset their assailant into further harm.

Even further, the Left has always been dominated by white males who hate white males, and use every chance to demonize them as pre-civilized and animalistic. This is obvious in the "Rape Culture" Narrative.

They should be proud of their results. They get to blame men, in general. And to perpetuate the Victimhood of women.


Michael said...

That the government is getting involved indicates that they seek to create onerous new laws in an effort to punish more innocent people and add further friction to their imaginary gender war.

Government does not exist to solve problems.

no name said...

For your side minimizing the effects of rape means minimizing those women's health options.

Stan said...

No name,
Abortion is not a "health option", it is a dishonest claim to make the bloody dismemberment of an innocent human sound good.

Health care is provided by gynecologists, pre-natal physicians, and hospitals.

Killing is provided by abortionists. And that is all. There is no post-ripping of the new human care; for those infants born alive, there is no care and they are killed; for the mother who killed her progeny there is no post kill care.

Abortion is completely about killing, with the health of one individual destroyed and the health of the other individual ignored or sent to a hospital.

Honesty in discussing the actuality is necessary - UNLESS the intent is to preserve the AtheoLeftist lust for killing those who they designate as killable.

Steven Satak said...

@NoName: again with the meaningless moniker. Stan, have you ever noticed that the ones with the least to say are generally working with names like anonymous and no name?

Stan said...

"bloody dismemberment of an innocent human "

Every word is an empirical fact. Your denial is false, every word of it. If you consider empirical facts to be emotional, then you are not fully attached to rationality. You present no case in defense, you present only childish snark and I suspect that to be all you have.

So. If you care to present an actual case for the bloody dismemberment of an innocent human, then do so. Otherwise you will have shown yourself to be too lightweight to produce an actual defense for your position.

not-anon-for-stan said...

Stan, you have shown yourself to be too lightweight to produce an actual defense for your position.

See, it's easy to make empty statement.

Stan said...

Another empty troll... is banned.