Friday, January 24, 2014

See Any Difference Here?

Note that the pro-kill sign is also anti-male.

Note the photos of George Tiller being held up. Tiller invented the "chemical death" method of making sure that the fetus was dead before ripping it apart. He did this in order to comply with Kansas law which prohibited aborting late term babies. So just before their normal birth Tiller would inject the baby with kill chemicals, through the uterine wall, in order that he could say that he was removing a dead "fetus". Tiller was assassinated in the entry way of his church (!) and is now given secular sainthood via his martyrdom for the cause of killing progeny. He was known as Tiller the Killer.

Extra credit questions: Which of these is illegal? (a) Killing an innocent baby minutes prior to birth? (b) Killing the killer of the baby in (a). How are these relative valuations derived?


REAL warrior said...

"Note that the pro-kill sign is also anti-male"

Patriarchy is not a synonym for male.

1. A social system in which men have authority over women and children.
2. A family, community, or society based on this system or governed by men.

Stan said...

Seriously? I suggest that you go to their site and read a few pages of the reasons why they "do not hate men", all the while seething with hatred for men. If you disagree with them, read what they have to say about that. Their claim is clearly stated: 50% of the population enslaves the other 50%.

Here's a cut:
" Why is it that men hate women?

Look at the world we live in, and look, honestly, at what this world is like for women. Look at how many women are raped, the majority of the rapes carried out on women by men that they trust, friends even. One of the ones they thought was one of the “good guys.”

Look at how many women are beaten, again mostly by their so-called ‘partners’ and look into how they are often stalked, and live their lives in abject terror. And then, often when they’ve actually left, they are murdered…on the rationale of the murderer that “If I can’t own her, no one will.”


"Again, lets be clear, people who accuse us of “hating men” are themselves filled with a special hatred for seeing women rise up against the ways they are held down… to have women speaking out, and breaking the deep tyranny of silence that surrounds the oppression of women would and does interfere with their ability to get over on women, to get their fill. They hate that women are stepping out of line, that we are fighting male dominance, and their BS arguments about why things have to stay this way, are exactly that. They are BS…I’m calling it out. Things do NOT have to be this way, women do NOT have to be passive and accept their “lot in life,” and men do NOT have to act in ways that oppress women.
Get off that wannabe slave master shit, for real."

That's mild compared to what they serve up if you oppose abortion.

They are also communist revolutionaries and proudly proclaim so. They refer to Bob Avakian ("Revolution - Nothing Less), as representative of their position:
"Ultimately, this will take a revolution – a revolution that gets rid of the capitalist system that requires and reinforces the oppression of women, along with many other forms of oppression, from the destruction of the environment to the imperialist wars to the slow genocide of mass incarceration that disproportionately targets Blacks and Latinos and more. This revolution is possible – get into it through the pages of Revolution Newspaper ( and the works of Bob Avakian, the Chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party.
Lets be clear: there is no liberation for anyone without the liberation of women. And this battle will not go on forever. One side or the other is going to win and that resolution is getting closer every day and right now the wrong side is winning."

REAL warrior said...

"I suggest that you go to their site and read a few pages of the reasons why they "do not hate men", all the while seething with hatred for men."

I'm not seeing it.
Saying it is wrong to beat women?
Saying that rape is wrong?
What are you trying to say?

Stan said...

You are merely being the troll. The information was given to you; you consequently pretend to be too obtuse to comprehend, so that you can waste our time. Basic trolling at the entry level, or pre-entry level. I can help you with facts and/or logic; I cannot help you comprehend.

Stan said...

OK, I see the problem. You are too lazy to go to the actual website and read through it to see what it says. Here's a quote from one of the pages internal to the site:

"You cannot break all the chains, except one. You cannot say you want to be free of exploitation and oppression, except you want to keep the oppression of women by men. You can’t say you want to liberate humanity yet keep one half of the people enslaved to the other half. The oppression of women is completely bound up with the division of society into masters and slaves, exploiters and exploited, and the ending of all such conditions is impossible without the complete liberation of women. All this is why women have a tremendous role to play not only in making revolution but in making sure there is all-the-way revolution. The fury of women can and must be fully unleashed as a mighty force for proletarian revolution.”"

In the future, do your own work.

Stan said...

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