Friday, January 24, 2014

The AtheoLeftist Plan To Socialize America

The Messiahs are a fine group. Bombers, Cop Killers, Marxist profs, and rich fat cats want to redistribute according to their own diktats. My fave is communist Angela Davis who wants to abolish prisons. Now contained in their book, Imagine: Living in a Socialist USA , they seem not to understand that imagining their political love is not necessary - a little bit of history of the 20th Century and its AtheoLeftist "socialist" experiments would be a much better use of one's time.


Michael said...

I've got a better reading suggestion about what socialism does to its host nation.

The Black Book of Communism.

Stan said...

Yes. I refer to my copy from time to time. However, I doubt seriously that even casual Marxists would ever read such a compendium counterrvolutionary facts. They prefer to make up their own facts.

Michael said...

Suggestion: read some of the rebuttals of the favorable reviews on Amazon of the book and revel in the cognitive dissonance.