Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Humanist Ruminates

This letter from a humanist contained this plaint:
"Imagine, if you can, a few hundred atheists getting together to build a town where no religions will be permitted. This is an extremely unlikely scenario. It would be much too sterile and insipid for us. Atheists are generally Humanists who are very interested in getting to know humans (hence the term Humanist), and understanding people, their religions and their culture.
Atheists tend to be totally non-self-aware. The history of Atheist governments is there for anyone to read (I know, history has been sanitized in the schools; that's no excuse). Humanism was actually a driver for the Atheist movements of the early 20th Century, which, for you who might not have gotten ancient history in school, was the beginning of the Atheist-Communist terrors which plunged Russia and China into blood. The Mao/Stalinists didn't find much in Atheism to guide them, but in the First Humanist Manifesto there was plenty.

The humanist moves on:
I find it curious that Delic and Alnuweiri are so passionate about allowing people to wear religious clothing, when they wear neither a hijab, a turban nor any religious items themselves. I wonder too, how they would feel if they visited a government office and were served by someone wearing a T-shirt with the Atheist Bus campaign message: “There’s probably no God — now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” Would they feel uncomfortable?

Again, Atheists who declare themselves moral by their own authority and under their own theory of morality actually think that others should see them to be as moral as they themselves (which is the apogee of moral perfection, tautologically). The absurdity of that completely swishes past over their heads with no cognition whatsoever. At least with a hijab, a turban (which is probably not even a religious symbol), etc, one knows the worldview of the person they are in contact with. That is impossible with Atheists, who have only a rejectionist Void, or worse: an elitist humanist messiah complex as a worldview, with a relativist morality which suits the occasion as the Atheist sees fit.

However, I do think it would be a good idea for them to wear identifying T-shirts.


Blacksmith said...


What do secularists/humanists know of Truth when they are only mentally imprisoned by materialist philosophy? The scientific method is as flawed as the humans who developed it.

Funny story, I once spoke with an Atheist who was completely ill informed about religious history...he resorted to Dan Brown style conspiracy history and accepted THAT as real history!

Stan, how do you deal with trolls? Lol! You need the patience of Job!

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of having a T-shirt printed with "HUMBLE ATHEIST" written on in big bold black letters,and a picture of Stalin below.

Robert Coble said...

Blacksmith said:

"The scientific method is as flawed as the humans who developed it."

That is a very curious statement.

If you had asserted that the scientific method is not the only avenue to knowledge (especially in metaphysical areas of inquiry), or that the scientific method has been misapplied to areas that it is not applicable (i.e., metaphysics), then I would agree with you. But, AFAIK, no one has shown any flaws in the scientific method per se in its realm of applicability.

Would you please point out the flaw(s) as you understand them?

Thank you.

Blacksmith said...

"If you had asserted that the scientific method is not the only avenue to knowledge (especially in metaphysical areas of inquiry), or that the scientific method has been misapplied to areas that it is not applicable (i.e., metaphysics), then I would agree with you"

That's what I meant Robert. You put it well.

Blacksmith said...

I love this quote I found on this site (which I agree with and should of added earlier!). I'm not knocking the Scientific is a great tool, but people tend to forget this lesson:

"Science knows enough to know that it knows very little."

Robert Coble said...


Thank you for the clarification.