Monday, February 10, 2014

Proof That The Dems Don't Really Care About Blacks?

The US Civil Rights Commission has taken a position:
U.S. Civil Rights Commission members warn amnesty hurts blacks
The commission is basing its opinion on the idea that there are some blacks who want off the Democrat plantation. That goes against Democrat politics and will not be considered to be a fault of amnesty; it will be perceived as a benefit by the messiah class, who need their Victims to stay in place. This will be validated by the Left's position on the report.

It's easily predictable that the USCRC report will not be taken seriously by the Left, just as the COB report indicating 2.3 Million jobs will be lost due to ObamaCare is being ridiculed (and twisted to be a "good thing": more spare time). Jobs are not a serious consideration for the Left.

Amnesty provides more squalorous, perpetual Victims to be saved (voting victims) for the Left, and cheap labor for big business. It's a win-win except for blacks and non-Leftists of all races (the designated Oppressor Class).

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