Friday, February 7, 2014

Quote of the Day

"The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all. And that's what I intend to reverse when I'm president of the United States of America."

— Senator Barack Obama, March 31, 2008
Obama immediately flipped on many things just as soon as he began to "rule", as he put it.


AMLeft said...

In other news...

Robert Coble said...


Administration of Barack Obama (2009-Present)

Disposition of Executive orders signed by President Barack Obama:

Subject Index

2009 - E.O. 13489 - E.O. 13527 (39 Executive orders issued)
2010 - E.O. 13528 - E.O. 13562 (35 Executive orders issued)
2011 - E.O. 13563 - E.O. 13596 (34 Executive orders issued)
2012 - E.O. 13597 - E.O. 13635 (39 Executive orders issued)
2013 - E.O. 13636 - E.O. 13655 (20 Executive orders issued)

167 Total Executive orders Issued

Rikalonius said...

"In other news" Translation, see no evil, hear no evil unless the Executive has an (R) behind their name.

So what do you think of the question at hand? Do you think Barack Obama has reversed what he claimed was the "biggest problem of the executive branch not going through Congress?"

AMLeft said...

Obama is on pace to issue fewer executive orders than any two-term president since 1900.

Does that answer your question?

Unknown said...

AMLeft you are incorrect.

AMLeft said...

Your numbers don't contradict mine

Stan said...

You are correct, numerically. The difference is expected to be in the use of the executive orders as a means of persecution.

From the Left's perspective, they will be a cleansing of inconvenient contrary opinion, and thus perfectly in line with Consequentialist morality.

That is why Obama sees no impropriety in IRS persecutions even as the new IRS director both apologizes for them and claims he cannot stop them. (He won't last long if he keeps that up).

Robert Coble said...

The total number of Executive Orders issued by President Obama in his two terms of office remains to be seen. Given his "threat" to use Executive Orders to circumvent Congress (and thus indirectly, the will of the people), no extrapolation based on his current number can be made with any reasonable certainty.

It would be interesting to compare the content of the various Executive Orders relative to the Constitutionally enumerated constraints on the Executive branch and the Federal government. That might give a much better indication of whether the issuing President was attempting to circumvent the Constitution or to usurp power to himself.

The brute fact of the number of Executive Orders issued gives nothing of substance to an argument for or against the abrogation of the intent of the Constitution.

AMLeft said...

Ok, numerically we agree, that's already better than ridiculous chain letters that right-wing liars are circulating.

Regarding specific orders; I would probably agree with both of you Stan and Robert. It depends on the example, SHOW it. Isn't it better than empty statements like 'Obama immediately flipped' ?