Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Left Fights the "Lawless Meme" With Statistics, But Not Facts.

The NYT hosts an entirely expected attack on the "Obama is Lawless" position.
"This lawlessness talk is simply another iteration of the “othering” of this president. Paint him as a criminal, an enemy to the rule of law, and by extension, to the construct of America. America is, after all, a nation of laws.

It’s another excuse for Republican obstruction and recalcitrance. It’s another line of attack that will allow Republicans to bide their time and hope for 2014 to deliver them the Senate and 2016 to deliver them the White House.

They are banking on wearing down the truth, and this president, through what has become their bailiwick: repetition of fallacy."

Wearing down the truth? What does that even mean? And what fallacy is he talking about?

What is not presented is the president's history of defying and ignoring laws at his convenience. This list is huge. But it is of no consequence to the Left, which inhabits that part of the universe that does not subscribe to actual ethics or morals except for Consequentialism, hence to refer to actual ethics constitutes a "fallacy".

1 comment:

Michael said...

Two sides of the same coin. Neither party works for America's best interests.