Monday, February 3, 2014

US Government, Weaponized By The Left

From AmericanThinker:
"On Wednesday, Mitch McConnell told Fox News' Megyn Kelly that the Obama administration is "initiating a new rule through the Treasury Department in the IRS to quiet the voices of outside groups." According to McConnell, the new rule would redefine what groups like the Tea Party could advocate, during a political campaign "to silence the voices of their critics going into this important fall election by using the Treasury Department regulations."

All one has to know is that you are an "outside group".

1 comment:

Michael said...

In other words, anyone who threatens the illusionary left-right paradigm they've worked so hard to create is to be considered an outcast and is to be silenced. Obama actions are those of a communist tyrant, wicked to the core.