Monday, February 24, 2014

Why Everything Sucks

H.T.- Steven Satak

That's definitely part of it. But the rest of the story is two-fold:

First, the troops came home from WWII and bred like rabbits; their offspring ran wild, in part due to parental malfeasance and in part due to insane child-rearing advice from childless psychologists.

Second, the Leftists took over the schooling philosophy (which was consolidated in the US Department of Education in 1979 under Jimmy Carter) and rendered these children entitled ignoramuses. Not all of them of course, but certainly those who were vulnerable, those in big cities which tended toward the Left anyway.

Add to that the youth culture of the 60's ("Never trust anyone over 30") which locked out anyone with any maturity of the cortex, yet was a political factor for the Left, add drugs in massive doses, the sexual revolution, and you have America today, 3 generations later.

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