Friday, March 28, 2014

Government By Anarchy

We're already familiar with the numerous violations of law by the Administration, and their refusal to give information to Congressional panels regarding weaponized bureaucracies under Obama. These include government aided killings in gunwalker programs and election manipulations by the IRS attacks on conservatives, not to mention the attacks on religion via ObamaCare, attacks which are fought clear to the Supreme Court. And they include pressure on Supreme Court Justices from the Left, pressure which turned not-a-tax into a tax, re: Obamacare.

Now the anarchy has turned to Congress, where illegal votes are rammed through without notifying Congresspersons that the vote is even happening.

The obvious lies keep flowing: here's Biden declaring that citizenship for illegals is already a fact.

And here's Obama trying to use the Pope for his own political advantage.

Anarchy and lying at top levels of the US government is a way of life. But the rules for the little people are hard and fast. When the little people start to behave like their government, watch out! There won't be room for two cultures of anarchy in the same country.

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