Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Bolshevik League of Atheist Militants, and Mass Murder in the USSR

Atheists want to divorce Atheism from Communism, for obvious reasons. Atheist denialism reaches one of its peaks when faced with the countless millions who were butchered by Atheist Communists in the 20th century. But the facts remain; the history is there; only irrational denialism in the form of historical revisionism could remove it.

Not only were Marx and Engles Atheist, they were rabidly so. When Lenin took control, his attachment to Marx and Lenin was supplemented by his attachment to Nietzsche. Under Bolshevism, the Russian population was to be de-kulaked and de-religioned. And an organization arose to help out with that: the League of Militant Atheists. Under the Atheist Bolsheviks and the LMA, it has been estimated that tens of thousands of priests, bishops, and religious administrators were murdered. 13,000 priests were "dekulakized in 1930" alone. Tens of millions of adherents were murdered as well. Further evidence of Atheist foundations of the purge is this anecdote: all church bells were seized by decree, because "the sound of bells disturbs the right to peace of the 'vast majority' of atheists in the towns and in the countryside".(1)

Although bloody and serious, the purge was not complete. In 1936, 28% of Orthodox churches still remained "in service". But by 1940, the 30,000 churches prior to Lenin had fallen to 500 (2).

"The Soviets' official religious stance was one of "religious freedom or tolerance", though the state established atheism as the only scientific truth. [83][84][85] Criticism of atheism was strictly forbidden and sometimes resulted in imprisonment.[86]

The Soviet Union was the first state to have as an ideological objective the elimination of religion. Toward that end, the Communist regime confiscated church property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in the schools. Actions toward particular religions, however, were determined by State interests, and most organized religions were never outlawed. It is estimated that some 20 million Christians (17 million Orthodox and 3 million Roman Catholic) died or where interned in gulags.[87] Some actions against Orthodox priests and believers along with execution included torture being sent to prison camps, labour camps or mental hospitals.[88][89] The result of this militant atheism was to transform the Church into a persecuted and martyred Church. In the first five years after the Bolshevik revolution, 28 bishops and 1,200 priests were executed.[90] "
In actuality we'll never know how many were murdered by Atheists for Atheism. But the number is obviously huge.

Any claim that Atheism was not a part of the Communist massacres is delusional or dishonest or both. Historical revisionism must not be allowed, ever.

Note 1: Black Book of Communism, p 172.

Note 2:

Note 3:


rgbrao said...

The above are not the only ones involved in such atrocities. The list actually grows long. (Vox Day has a list in one of his books.)

I was proof-reading a paper that an Ethiopian friend of mine in grad-school had written. In it he mentioned a chap names Mengistu Haile Mariam who had burned down churches in Ethiopia.

I wondered - "Who is this?" and so I googled him. What I found was shocking. This guy who is an atheist is responsible for the murder of ~ 2 million people. He is also responsible for the murder of the Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, Abuna Theophilus.

And guess what???

He is still alive.

~ Raj

Anonymous said...

"The Soviets' official religious stance was one of "religious freedom or tolerance", though the state established atheism as the only scientific truth. [83][84][85] Criticism of atheism was strictly forbidden and sometimes resulted in imprisonment.

Thanks for that info.I seem to understand the role of the League of Militant Atheists better now.They acted as a sort of police for atheism.Much like islamic countries have islamic police to ensure that muslims don't break any of their religious codes.

Joe's World said...

"Criticism of atheism was strictly forbidden and sometimes resulted in imprisonment.

They had a blasphemy law? Another thing that, along with authoritarianism and totalitarianism, these regimes have in common with religion. Though not with enlightenment thinking. These regimes are much closer to religion than atheism it seems.

Stan said...

Atheist silencing of all public religious expression in the pursuit of total "secularism" (aka Atheism) is exactly the same as suppression of blasphemy.

There are heavily funded anti-blasphemy Atheist organizations, such as the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and the American Atheists, whose function is to root out and threaten their enemies with financial hardship due to protracted lawsuits. They attack the weak, never the strong, and get their way through bullying. Reminiscent of the Inquistion, but using financial destruction.